Chapter 17

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"We got here as soon as we could," Sinu says as Ale and her rush down the hall to where Clara, Normani, and Lauren are sitting.

"What happened," Ale ask as they stand in front of Clara.

"She had another seizure. It was only a minute twenty, but she must've hit her head on something when she fell down. She had a big gash on the back of her head which made her go unconscious, I don't know what's going on right now. They wouldn't tell us anything until you two got here," Clara explains as quickly as she could, knowing how anxious the two parents are.

"Go find out," Sinu tells her husband before sitting down next to Clara and Lauren.

"Are you okay, honey," Sinu ask as she watches her husband walk to the front desk. Lauren doesn't say anything, she just stares straight ahead. Sinu shakes Lauren's shoulder a little bit to wake her from her trance. Lauren's head snaps up to meet Sinu's eyes with her own.

"Sinu," Lauren chokes out as she reaches over and grabs her girlfriend's mother into a tight side hug. They stay like that for a few moments, Lauren sobbing into Sinu's shoulder.

"It's all my fault, I should've been paying closer attention. I should've seen the signs," Lauren chokes out between sobs.

"Lauren, honey, this is not your fault. You couldn't had helped this, her seizures have been getting worse lately. It isn't your fault," Sinu says firmly, pulling Lauren back to where she can look into her eyes. Lauren nods slowly, wiping away her tears as she sees Alejandro come back.

"They say that the hit wasn't strong enough to cause brain damage, but they aren't sure when she'll wake up. She got it stapled instead of stitched up because it was so large," Ale says to all four of the women looking at him. Lauren sighs in relief that Camila is seriously damaged but...

"What do you mean they don't know how long it'll be until she wakes up, she's not in a come right," Normani ask what Lauren was thinking.

"No, no. They gave her some medicine that may knock her out for a while, a day or three at most is what they told me," Ale reassures the girls.

"Why were they allowed to do that when you guys weren't here," Lauren questions curiously.

"Because I'm also on the list of Camila's authorities since I'm her 'doctor'" Clara explains to her daughter.

"But you couldn't get information on how she was doing," Lauren says, even more confused.

"Lauren, I don't know everything medical. I don't work at a hospital, I work at an office. I don't know that much about these places," Clara finals to shut her daughter up about it. Lauren just nods her head before getting lost in her thoughts. They stayed in silence for almost an hour before Normani spoke up.

"I'm going to go home and get some rest," she said as she stood up.

"Please take Lauren with you," Clara ask as she grabs ahold of the girl's arm.

"Of course," Normani reassures before walking over to her best friend.

"Lo let's go get some food and sleep," Normani requests softly, not even asking Lauren. Lauren nods, knowing that it's not worth it to put up a fight. They walk to the car in silence, it seems like silence has been all around Lauren since Camila got hurt. Lauren hates the silence, she hates the suffocatingness that no noise is bringing her. She hates the helplessness that she feels in this exact moment, the fact that she can't do anything to help her girlfriend.

Lauren hums along to the songs playing on the radio as the soft music fills the void in the car. Normani pulls into the drive thru of Mcdonald's and orders for herself and Lauren. Being Lauren's best friend for so long has its perks, Normani knows all of her preferences. Except in the sexual field, of course. Lauren barely touches her food on the way back to the Jauregui household.

"Lo, you need to eat," Normani says gently as they walk into the house. Taylor then jumps out from nowhere it seems and quickly pulls her older sister into a hug. And that's when Lauren broke again.

Lauren started to sob into the younger ones shoulder, her chest heaving up and down as she can barely breathe. Taylor starts to rub her back slowly in a circular motion as the girl lets out another sob.

"She's going to be okay, Tay," Lauren chokes out, making Taylor sigh in relief.

"Good, you had me worried," Taylor mumbles into the taller girls hair as she is bent down into her younger sisters chest.

"Alright Lauren, it's time to eat," Normani says as she walks back in from the kitchen with a place of mcnuggets and fries. Normani isn't going to take no for an answer and Lauren knows it, so she grabs a piece of chicken. She pops it into her mouth as she pulls away from Taylor. Taylor doesn't let her go far though, she keeps a strong hold on her hand.

Lauren sits down on the couch, the two girls sitting on either side of her. They sit there in silence for what seems to be forever for Lauren. The silence overwhelmed her with her thoughts of her girlfriend.

"Where's Chris," Lauren ask surprising the two other girls. Taylor points upstairs as her only explanation. Lauren rushes up the stairs, not saying a word to either girl. And she didn't for the rest of the night.

Once Lauren got up stairs she saw her younger brother sleeping peacefully on his bed in his Spider-man pajamas. Lauren didn't want to wake him and since it was already ten o'clock Lauren decided to sleep in Chris's room tonight. Lauren goes to the closet in the hallway that stores all their extra blankets and pillows. She pulls so many out she lost count, but it was worth it if she got to be close to Chris.

As Lauren makes her make shift bed in the floor her mind drifts to her girlfriend in the hospital. She wonders how long it'll take for her to wake up or if she'll remember what happened. They don't know if the fall actually did damage to her head or not, they're just guessing it didn't. Lauren being the pessimist that she is, was thinking the worst. Thinking that her girlfriend could possibly not remember her, them. And with those thoughts Lauren went to sleep into a nightmare.

"Lauren, we need to tell you some-" Sinu tries to explain to the older girl.

"No I need to see her, she's my girlfriend. Just let me see her and then we can talk about her issues," Lauren pleads with the older woman as she desperately wants to see her now awake girlfriend. Sinu sighs, knowing that she can't stop the girl from doing so. Lauren takes that as her signal as her okay to go in. She opens the door to find her beautiful girlfriend sleeping peacefully with a bandage wrapped around her head.

"Hey, Camz," Lauren says softly, shaking her shoulder lightly. Camila's eyes twitch open and as they adjust, they land on Lauren's. The younger of the two immediately panics and sways her hand away, hurting Lauren beyond belief.

"I don't know you, please get away from me," Camila stutters out, trying to scoot across the bed as far away from Lauren as possible.

"Camz, it's me. Lauren," Lauren says desperately wanting her to remember. They just stare at each other for who knows how long until Lauren makes the mistake of going to grab for Lauren's hand.

"Mami, help," Camila practically screams as soon as Lauren's hand comes in contact with hers. Sinu quickly rushes into the room to see what the problem is.

"Lauren, it's time to go," Sinu says sternly, pulling the girl out of the room.

"She doesn't remember me, Sinu," Lauren cries out.

"She doesn't remember us," Lauren adds as another sob finds it's way out of her mouth.

And that's when Lauren woke up to a not much better surrounding. Her phone was blaring and Lauren quickly answered it to hush the noises that could awaken her sleeping brother. She didn't even bother looking at the caller I.D.

"Hello?" Lauren says drowsily, half asleep still with tears still running down her face from the dream.

"Lauren." it was her mom.

"Come to the hospital now," Clara says before hanging up the phone.

Lauren knew that couldn't be good.

So school has started back for me, yay to high school. I'll have a busier schedule so I'm not sure how often I'll update, but I will try my best I promise you guys. Have a good day/night. Your thoughts are always appreciated and read :)))

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