THE FLUFF BOMB (Alphonse x Reader)

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The train's wheels clattered beneath you as you gazed out the window at the blurred scenery rushing past. Suitcase in hand, head in the clouds, your mind wandered. Your fingers tapped the seat absentmindedly, attempting to kill time while you waited for your transport to arrive at the station in Central.

You could barely contain yourself. It hadn't been that long since you had last seen the brothers, but you were always excited to visit again. They were hard at work researching the philosopher's stone, but you knew deep down they missed their friends from Resembool. Alphonse was always more open about it, but you knew that was just how the two of them were.

Alphonse was the one who had captured your heart. Despite him not having a body, you knew you deeply, and truly, loved him. His kind voice made your heart race. And his laugh. His laugh could light up a whole room. You just wanted him to be happy.

I'm going to tell him this time, you told yourself. I'm going to tell him I love him if it's the last thing I do.

After much careful consideration, thinking over his actions around you, you reasoned he most likely felt the same way about you. Even so, there was no way to be sure unless you asked him. The worst he could do was say he only liked you as a friend.

You smiled at the thought of hugging him, him swinging you around him as he held onto you. Edward would be giving that stupid knowing grin, but you knew he was happy to see you too, and happy to see his little brother so excited.

"Now approaching central station," the voice of the train announcer said over the radio.

You looked up to see the light from the windows cut off as the train went through a tunnel. You stood from your seat and began approaching the exit. Quite a few people followed.

A little girl and her mother ended up next to you. The child was maybe two or three, at most. She looked up at you, a bit aloof, most likely from a nap she had taken on the train.

You smiled brightly at her, giving a small wave with your hand and mouthing a 'hi'.

She smiled at you and waved back. You chuckled at how cute she was.

There was a screeching noise. No warning whatsoever, just a sudden screeching under the car.

Everyone in the car was jostled.

The brakes had suddenly been applied.

Something felt wrong. The train didn't stop this quickly normally.

On pure instinct, you grabbed the little girl and wrapped your arms protectively around her. Her mother was too far away to do anything, she had been moved by the sudden braking.

Up ahead, you heard a sound of crunching metal. It was the loudest, most gut-wrenching sound you had ever heard. You looked up and saw that the train car ahead of you appeared to be caving in on itself. Everything moved slowly, sparks flying as the oncoming destruction approached.

When it reached you, you blacked out.


When you opened your eyes, it was dark.

You didn't remember where you were for a moment.

You heard a child crying nearby.

You sat up and looked around, putting your hand out in front of you to try to feel your way around. The sight of your hands caused a horrified gasp to escape your mouth.

Your skin was a pale translucent blue, emanating a soft spectral glow around it. Upon further inspection, you realized you hadn't sat up, not physically.

Alphonse x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now