Chapter: 27

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Kids don't be scared, they don't bite, I said to them

Really? The little girl asks

Yes, little girl! Your safe to them those wolves are my brothers.

The kids ride in the back of my brothers, I get their mother and hold her like bridal styles, I ran fast using my vampire speed.

When I get home I put the woman in the guestroom. I put her in the bed slowly after that I went to my room to get the book spells, I start to gather the ingredients for the cure, after 10 minutes I already finish the cure. I can get back to the guest room gave the cure.


Una / Lulu ( Point of view )

When I gave the cure to the woman, I saw her kids they are so dirty and skinny, I need to help them.

Hey! Are you hungry guys? I ask them

I waited for their response but they didn't. I know they don't trust me yet, okay I make sure they can trust me, wait I have an idea I mind-link to my brothers to get my kids.


Mommy mommy mommy my three adorable kids run to me.

Mommy, who are they? My son Gabriel ask

They are my new friends, I help her mother because she is injured and they are her kids. I said to my kids

"Baby introduce your self to them"
Hello, my name is Gabriela those are my brothers. Hello, I am Galvin this is Gabriel three of us are triplets. My children gave them a big smile for them.

Don't be scared of us; my mommy and uncles will protect you and nobody will harm you anymore. My son Galvin said to them.

That's Galvin one of his abilities he can read your emotions and minds. All my children are different abilities their powers start to show even they still toddlers.

The little girl smile at my kids. my name is Rowana and just call me Rowa, I am thwee wers old (three-year-old). Thwat my bro and sis. The little girl said

Well, guys, can you tell us what is your name? I'm Rosinda just call me Rosi I am 11, I'm Jetro I am 13, I'm Seth I am 15. Thank you for telling us your name. Are kids you already hungry? They all nod okay let's go to the kitchen and well cook delicious food and don't you worry your mother is safe to hear. I said to them.

Let's go! I saw my kids grab Rowa; Rosi. Jetro and Seth in their hands. my kids leading them to the kitchen. I saw Anna busy talking to my brother Japy they are mates. hey! kids what do you want for lunch? I ask them, with a smile

Mommy, I want spaghetti with lots of hotdogs my baby girl said with her tote smile.

mommy I want chicken curry. Gabriel said

mommy I want a steak with lot Grave on it Galvin said with his big smile.

How about you? Nicka, Micka, Jetro, Seth what do you want to eat? I ask them

"Anything mam, Seth said to me"

"Hey" can you stop calling me mam, please because I feel old? just call me Lu okay! I told them

they all nod, now I start preparing our lunch.

they all nod, now I start preparing our lunch

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