Chapter Eleven: The Truth comes out

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The next day i woke to Tobias kissing my belly and singing to it. I smile and whisper "That was Beautiful" He looks up at me smiling he sits up and kisses from my belly up to my lips and mumbles "God morgon vacker hur sov du?" i smile "i slept good how did you sleep my love" i place my hand onto his cheek caressing it gently and he leans into my hand as he closes his eyes "i slept good too surprisingly i didn't wake up like i normally do" i wrap my arms around his neck then i kiss him as i pull him closer. He smirks and pulls away running his nose down my neck and i moan as he reaches my soft spot and i feel him smirk against my neck as he suddenly bites down onto it i grip onto his shirt moaning "Oh fuck Tobias!" I moan his name as he starts to grind his erection against me. "Fuck i want you!" he mumbles against my neck and i push my hips up meeting his. "Then take me" i lift his chin and i bite my lip as he looks into my eyes and i whisper "Fuck me Papa" He growls then climbs down me and then pulls my PJ bottoms down along with my panties then throws then across the room along with his own pants.

After our little morning sex session we decided it was a good idea to go shopping as Tobias almost cleared me out of food last night. As i was brushing my hair in the bathroom mirror he walks in and wraps his arms around me and places his hands onto my bump and kisses my cheek. I smile as he kisses my cheek then groans as his phone begins to ring and he looks at me "My wife ill ignore it i can take her anger trust me." i look at him and frown "why don't you just tell her we watched a movie then when it finished it was 3 am and you stayed her but slept on the sofa" he smiles and kisses my neck "Good idea love ill text her now" and he leaves the bathroom and i finish putting my hair up in a messy bun then walk out of the bathroom as i am already dressed i go to the kitchen but stop mid tracks when i see Boel in my kitchen and she looks mad.

"oh Hey Mrs Forge" i smile as i walk in and she glares at me then slaps me across the face and i stand there shocked holding my face. "So you are the one he is cheating on me with" i look up to Tobias and he looks down "Im sorry kat she guessed and she can tell when i am lying so i told her the truth " I nod then look down. "I i understand if you stop Tobias having anything to do with me and uh.." Tobias looks up and frowns as she nods "Too damn fucking right i am stopping you seeing MY husband and if i EVER see you anywhere near him i will make sure you wont see the light of day again " and she turns away and walks to the door and leaves. I look away as the tears threaten to spill from my eyes and Tobias looks at me then pulls me too his arms and i struggle against him "Kat stop!! it doesn't matter what she says i'm Not leaving you whilst you are pregnant with my children" i look up into his eyes as tears fall.

"What are we going to do shes your wife and i im just your mistress i guess" He frowns again and looks into my eyes "No you are much more than that Kat your my best friend when you left it broke me Don't make me feel that way again please!" he tears up and places his hand onto my cheek and caresses it. "I won't leave it its just your married we have to stop this Your my boss too so we have to keep it professional" He nods then pulls away and a tear escapes my eyes as i watch him pick up his leather jacket.

"I'll keep you updated on the babies" i choke up and he comes over and holds me as i break down and cry into his chest. After a while his phone starts to ring and he sighs "i'll see you soon i promise keep me updated please i don't want you doing this alone i'll try and go with you just call me and ill pick you up" i nod as i watch him leave. I look around feeling empty and i decide that ill order take out the get the food shopping online since i don't want to leave my apartment ever again.

Later on that night i get a text from Tobias 'Hey i'm sorry for earlier we will fix this i promise.I hope you have eaten you need to eat please i know what you are like when you get upset ill call you when Boel has gone to sleep. ILY XTX' i sigh and text him back ' No it's ok it needed to happen and yes i have eaten i had some pizza even though i didn't want to eat i did for the babies sake Thank you for checking on me ILY2 K X' I decided to go to bed early and watch tv for a while and before i knew it was passed out.

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