Eleven: Things Change

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It's October 2nd now, a Friday. Benny hooks his arm through mine the moment I burst through the doors to Haven Rock High. He grins, chattering excitedly about the new video game he just pre-ordered. Only about a minute into the conversation, Lucas joins us.

"Can you believe it's almost here?" Benny asks Lucas.

"No! I've been waiting on this for, like, years!"

"Alright, nerds. Who's up for movies and dinner at my house tonight?" Brianna asks.

We all voice our agreement. She grins and begins filling us in on all the details. Hopefully, this Friday night won't end in the three of us fighting off vampires. That would be a total buzzkill. Jenna shuts her locker door and walks up to me, grinning, as Benny removes his arm from mine to high-five Lucas and Jimmy.

"So, I see the golden friendship is maintained."

"Indeed. Everything's good between us."

"Oh yeah? How good?"

"Um, really good? What do you mean?"

"Oh," she frowns dejectedly. "Nothing."

I look at her like she has two heads and one of them is a dragon. She taps Brianna on the shoulder with a sigh.

"Remind me to give you ten bucks."


"What?" I ask them.

They glance at me, then back to each other, then back at me again. "Nothing!" They chorus.

"Max!" Benny shouts only a second before grabbing my hand and sprinting, dragging me behind him.

"What? Bye, guys!"

Benny pulls me along hurriedly toward the classroom, quickly explaining how he needs a partner for the new game. He scowls bitterly as he recounts how Jimmy and Lucas partnered up.

"But bros before hoes!" I protest.

"Are you calling Jimmy a hoe?"


He chuckles. Then his grin grows as he looks at me, practically shaking as he asks if I'll be his partner.

"I guess I can do it," I sigh facetiously, a slight grin on my lips.

"Yes!" Benny cheers. He hugs me tightly. "That's my best friend!"

All of our classes pass really quickly today, and before I really know it, we're in art class. It's a free day, left for us to work on any project of our choice. I'm working on a painting of a couple under a red umbrella. Benny decided he wanted to paint, too.

"I've never painted before. Does this look too muddy to you?" He asks me.

"Um, yes." On his canvas is a mess of nearly every color the art department has, by the looks of it. I can't make out anything at all. "I told you it's not the easiest thing to do."

"Have a little faith, Sweetness."

And lo and behold, twenty minutes later, it begins to take shape. It's already turning into a landscape, but there's a big, white spot in the middle. The meadow, mountains, and small neighborhood look a little incomplete.

"So, Max, how does it look now?"

"You're amazing," I breathe.

"I know. I never expected you to admit it, though."

"Oh, shut up."

"What's the white part?"

"That's gonna be a girl."

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