Tea For Two - Chapter 2.

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Chapter 2

"...Gus, right, okay," she whispered, shaking her head ever so slightly. She was trying her best to figure out how the three who had bullied her had disappeared and in turn, A-Gus had shown up to help her, though her main priority was to figure out why he helped her in the first place, "I can walk."

"Yeah?" Gus spoke, "tell that to your knee."

"Hey, knee," Una grumbled under her breath, rolling her eyes when Gus snorted. She was trying to pull herself in the direction she needed to go in order to get home but it seemed as though Gus had other plans when he started to pull her in the direction of the town.

"My house is the other way," she mumbled quietly. She felt terribly awkward with him so close to her, and not to mention she was injured and shy as it was, it was like her own personal hell to have the boy she barely knew holding her up whilst she failed to walk.

"Town is closer, though." Gus merely shrugged, seeing the look on her face even though she failed to speak he knew she wasn't all too keen to go back to town for no reason, "my car is at the tea shop. I can drive you."

"My house isn't too far," she spoke as though she was insisting he not help her. She wished most of all to be left alone. The humiliation she felt for having to have someone rescue her, not to mention it was Gus from the tea shop who had seen her fall into a pyramid of tea boxes just over an hour or so ago, it really wasn't the best of her days but she had never thought it would end up like this.

Socialising was draining and she really preferred not to.

"You can barely walk," the boy scoffed, "look, you can even get some tea."

"What is that just a persuasion tactic now?" she asked, her eyebrow raised. Gus couldn't deny that he was surprised to hear her speaking without stuttering, or no whispering, it was odd but entertaining for him. She intrigued him, actually. For the most part of the summer, she would be in the tea shop with no goal other than to drink tea and read her book, her legs crossed on top of a chair and her mind in another world.

His parents loved her, she was a character to them, entertaining and amusing and even today she managed to make the day to day life of the tea shop once again exciting with the ruckus she caused. What was humiliating to her was a good day for the owners who didn't think it would be all too exciting to run a tea shop regardless of how much they loved it, and well for Gus, it was good to have someone to think of when he was having to work when he really didn't want to.

"What, you don't want tea?" Gus asked, seeing her expression change and her head furiously shake. Though the annoyance on her features for the boy was clearly evident and even trying to walk seemed like a task neither one of them wished to think about, she could barely hop with the pain in her knee, and the pain everywhere else too, the boys had really hurt her and as much as she was used to it, her body wasn't.

"Did I say that," she snapped when her leg moved and the pain shoot from her knee and travelled up her thigh. Her leg almost buckled under her and watching the expression on her face made Gus feel rather guilty that he wasn't there to help her faster, so in one swift movement, he reached under her legs and instead picked her up, "are you kidding me?!"

"What?!" he exclaimed, "I'm just trying to help, bloody hell! You know what, you need to work on your people skills!"

"Not if I don't interact with people!" she grumbled, gripping tightly onto her bag whilst he headed down the hill they were halfway up, "...my people skills are fine."

"You have done nothing but complain to me," he turned to glare at her, though his face unintentionally softened when he saw the look on her face.

She didn't exactly mean to sound so rude but she didn't exactly know how to act either. She wasn't used to someone so willing to help her out when something bad happened to her when she barely knew them, and right now she couldn't tell if she was comfortable or the opposite as he carried her. She wasn't the lightest girl in the world and the thought of being too heavy swirled around in her head but Gus seemed to be doing perfectly fine to carry her, and yet she was still the one to complain.

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