Chapter 25

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(Y/n) walked out into the living room but landed hard on her back. She felt a heavy weight on her chest and it caused her to cough a few times. She groaned and sat up, slowly pushing the weight off of her. At least, she tried to. Whatever it was it latched back onto her. (Y/n) looked down and saw Katie hugging her. (Y/n) felt tears well up in her eyes and she tried to hug her back, but Katie started to fade away, she kept calling for (Y/n) to help her, but (Y/n) could never reach her. Everything soon faded to black.

(Y/n) shot up in bed, she instantly looked around and saw her familiar surroundings as last night's events came back to her. She checked the time hoping it wasn't what she thought it would be. Her heart almost stopped when she saw it was 6pm. She slowly got up and went to the bathroom, where her eye bags were slightly faded. She once again put concealer on her eyes, but there was no noise from the living room. That's what (Y/n) thought until she heard a loud crash. She quickly walked into the room, trying her best to ignore the nerves messing with her stomach. She got into the kitchen and let out a sigh of relief when she saw Marcus standing over a broken plate.

"Are you okay?" (Y/n) asked as she slowly made her way around the shards of broken glass.

Marcus jumped at the sound of (Y/n)'s voice.

"GAH! (Y/n)! I didn't expect you to be up so early!" Marcus said as he awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

(Y/n) sweatdropped and pointed to a little clock on the stove.

"It's 6 pm." (Y/n) said.

She walked over to the closet to save Marcus from his little situation. He had been wearing no shoes or socks when he dropped the plate so he really couldn't move at all without risking getting glass in his feet. (Y/n) quickly swept the glass up and went to the closet in the hallway leaving Marcus confused. She soon came back with a towel. She got it wet in the sink and cleaned the floor.

"Why are you doing that?" Marcus asked her as she cleaned around him.

"Extra precautions." Was all he got.

Once (Y/n) was done cleaning she allowed him to move freely again.

"How did this even happen anyways?" (Y/n) asked as she threw away the broken glass.

"Heheh, well you see... I was trying to make you some food since you slept almost 17 hours, but as you can see I'm not too good at that." Marcus said as he nervously laughed.

(Y/n) sighed and shooed him out of the room. He looked at her confusedly but she just sassily turned and walked off into the kitchen to do who knows what.

About 15 minutes later (Y/n) came out of the kitchen with two plates of (f/f), she didn't know why but she really wanted some. She set them at the table and went to get Marcus. She wandered into the living room but stopped for a minute when she realized that she had been feeling a little better since he's been here. She then continued walking, but when she reached the living room she found nothing but a note. (Y/n) read the note out loud.


I'm sorry I had to leave, Martinus really needed me. But i'll be back soon I promise!

Love, Marcus

(Y/n) felt sadness wash over her once again. She trudged to her room, grabbed her earbuds, and watched netflix alone while she ate her food. She tried not to feel sad but she couldn't help it. She ate two bites of her food but couldn't eat anymore. She slowly walked to her room and face planted onto her bed. She couldn't sleep though. So she just sat there, now staring at the ceiling and listening to music.

Marcus got back to (Y/n)'s house later, it's about 10pm now and he wanted to surprise her. He went through the dining room, but on his way through he saw something that made his heart sink, two uneaten bowls of (f/f), and next to them, the note he left her. He felt sad. He slowly walked into her room where guess what, she was still lying there.

She didn't even notice Marcus when he stepped into the room. He turned her lights on and she hissed.

"THE LIGHT. IT BURNSSSS!" (Y/n) yelled as she hid under the covers.

Marcus sat on the bed and held the small blanket blob that was (Y/n). She slowly came out of her cave and looked at him. She made a pouty face and shrunk into the blanket. He lifted a box of candy out of the bag he had carried in and she grabbed it and took it under the blanket with her within seconds. Marcus stifled a laugh and went into the living room to start (favorite movie). Once (Y/n) heard it playing, she hopped off the bed while still in a blanket burrito and crawled into the living room. She plopped onto the couch and landed face first. She groaned and almost rolled off but Marcus caught her.

He had been making popcorn in the kitchen. He set (Y/n) back on the couch and handed her a bowl of popcorn. (Y/n) took it and then punched Marcus in the arm.

"Ow." Marcus said as he rubbed his now sore arm.

This caused (Y/n) to giggle a little bit.

"Revenge for leaving."

Marcus got up and turned the lights off and went to his car for a minute. For a second (Y/n) didn't think he was going to come back.

That was... until Marcus came in with a huge stuffed (favorite animal).

(Y/n)'s eyes lit up and she held her arms out on the couch for the plushie. Marcus handed it to her and sat down next to her. (Y/n) was snuggled up against Marcus and the new plushie, and for the first time in a while, she fell asleep with a smile on her face.

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