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Requested by ScxrletWagner go check her out shes a great person! :)

"Craig!" I screamed as I was placed over my best friends shoulder. Not gonna lie It gave me a great view of Craigs ass. (Kinky~ ;) only a few of you will get this) "Whatcha gonna do about it?" Craig asked me.

"Tyler!" I screamed to the taller male. "I got it..." Tyler said taking me off of craogs shoulder and onto his. I saw Craig pout.

I was also given a view of Tylers ass. "What are you doing?" Tyler asked me. "I like Craigs ass more" I said. Craig blushed as Tyler dropped me dying of laughter.

"Wow..." "You can't blame me! Your thicc as fuck!" I said as Craig started modeling for me and Tyler. We laughed as Craig said "Yas Queen."

I've noticed a change in Craig when he's around me. "Craig your fucking Gay" Tyler said laughing as I laughed with him. I felt my phone vibrate and looked at the text.

Craig will remember that.

I laughed. "Craig Fuck off!" Tyler screamed. We laughed and I got off of the floor sitting on Craigs couch.

Craig was about to sit down but I stretched my legs. "Fuck outta here" Craig said moving my legs.

"Craig your fucking Thicc~" I said smirking. "Shut it" "BAKA~" I screamed. He rolled his eyes.

<Craig Pov>

I couldn't help but smile at Y/N. I'm nervous that since theres an age gap of 4 years she wouldn't wanna date me.

"Craig?" I heard Y/N' soft voice ask snapping me out of my thoughts.

"You okay?" She asked me. I nodded.

"I've been meaning to ask you...Why have you been acting so diffrent?"

I sighed knowing she would one day ask me this. "Y/N I-I...I Lo-" "Y/N!" Tyler asked. "Whats up?" She asked him. "What?" "Would you be willing to go on a date with me?" Tyler asked her.

"Hold on...Craig what was it that you wanted to say?"

I sighed. "N-Nothing" I said forcing myself to smile.

"Yes Tyler...I will go on a date with you"

I felt my stomach form a knot. "Hey Umm Craig...I have to go" Tyler said waving goodbye. I said Bye and he left. "Yeah I do too" "Bye" I said trying to sound happy.

She left locking the door behind her. I broke down then and there. "Well...When Tyler's Fucks up...I'll be there...But I don't think Tyler will mess up..."

I cried out loud. "I just wish...I told you before He asked you..."

This is how I imagined it. Hope you like it! Also sorry for any spelling mistakes!

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