Chapter 8: Eat Shit in Hell

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It's time for History. I love my teacher, he's really kind and is an overall great teacher! Mr Beckett. He's tall, dirty blonde hair, happily married to his wife who's a lawyer, and the only teach who actually cares about us students. If we have an assessment need doing, he'll let us do that in class, and email us what we've missed. His classes aren't boring like my other classes are! I get the best results in his class. However, recently those grades have dropped a little. Also being my year's dean, he knows everyone.

Luckily, today I can end school on a good note, because History is last! However, after yesterday, I don't feel at my best. "Class! So we are continuing on yesterdays report! I've booked the school laptops. Get it going!" chirps Mr Beckett. Everyone gets up and grabs a laptop, unless they already had one. I slowly get up from my desk and wait my turn. As every disperses, I look down in the tray and there's one left. I take it and sit back down. I log on, and open my report. "New Zealand: The first Country to allow Women's Right to Vote. 1893" I stare at the blinking cursor on the blank page. Resting my cheeks in my fist, I type with one hand

"Eat Shit in Hell"

Time passes like a car down a highway. I stare into the screen, zoning out into white space. A hand reaches around, grabbing the top of the laptop, closing the lid. The white lit leaves my face as I look up and see Mr Beckett looking at me sensitively. "Liza, may I talk to you?" he asks calmly, I nod and Mr Beckett pulls out the seat next to me, sitting down. I look around and everyone has left, looking up at the clock, it's 3:57PM School finished over half an hour ago. Have I been sitting here for that long?! "Liza" Mr Beckett starts, regaining my attention "I'm not going to lie, I'm worried about you. You're not focusing in class, you're grades are dropping" I look down embarrassed "Eat shit in hell?" he asks confused, motioning towards the laptop. "Are you in some sort of trouble, Liza?" he asks, tears well up in my eyes, trying desperately to escape. My breathing becomes quick and shaking, I look up at Mr Beckett, mumbling through my tears.

"Don't tell him"


Wednesday Afternoon! I can finally go home! I'm not sure if I'm taking Liza home or not. I wasn't in science last period, thanks to my Aunt. I wait by my car, checking my phone for any texts, but nothing comes through. After another ten minutes, I'm near to giving up. Suddenly something catches my eye. Mr Ryther walking with his hand on a girl's back, pushing her forward. It's not just any girl, it's Liza. Mr Ryther opens his old 90's, grey car door, Liza getting inside? Her face looks so sad, she's pale, droopy eyes like a puppy. She looks like she doesn't want to be there. Mr Ryther closes the door and heads over to his side. Staying behind my car, I watch carefully. As soon as Mr Ryther gets himself ready, he turns to Liza, who's draped her cardigan over her body. Mr Ryther runs his hand down her cheek, caressing it! Liza shy's away from his hand, almost scared. Tears stream down Liza's face, Mr Ryther turning on the gas. I immediately jumps into my car, strapping myself in, and screeching my tires against the road, I zoom out onto the street, following Mr Ryther's car. Every turn, I follow. They stop. Outside a store. I carefully park and stay at the corner of the street, watching them as Mr Ryther gets out of the car, dragging Liza out with him. She's not fighting him, but she doesn't want to be with him. She's upset. She's uncomfortable. My chest tightens as an unfamiliar pain beats in my chest. I've never felt anything like this before! Mr Ryther leads Liza towards the front entrance, grabbing his keys from his pocket and unlocking the door. Opening the door, Liza disappears into the building, followed extremely closely by Mr Ryther. Reaching out, he closes the door. Once it's closed, I get out of the car, my gaze not leaving the door. Trying to act naturally, I saunter over to the dairy and quietly place my ear against the wooden door. I can't hear anything. Grasping the door handle, I pull it, but it doesn't budge. Dammit! It's locked. Ok, now I'm a little scared. I turn around to the road, quickly looking both ways before crossing to the other side. I look up at the building, examining it. The lights upstairs are on. A dark shadow appears in one of the windows, it can't be Liza, it's too big. Must be Mr Ryther. I quickly duck behind a car, making sure he can't see me. What confuses me is the shadow is smooth. It's not hard edged. Mr Ryther was wearing a blazer today, and when he was in the car. The shadow's not jagged enough for him to be wearing a shirt. The shadow draws the curtains, dimming the light. I crawls out from behind the car, still watching the window as the light suddenly turns off.

I stare at the window for a couple seconds, just to see what happens. I race back to my car and grab my phone. I quickly text Liza to see if she'll reply "Where are you? Do you need a ride home?" I send it. I don't want to be too mysterious. My phone buzzes "No I'm fine. I have to work tonight". I nod a little bit, maybe I was just being over dramatic? Maybe she had a bad day, otherwise why was she crying?

"Oh ok, do you need a ride home after work?" I text.

Buzz, buzz

"Nope. Dad's picking me up"


Perhaps I am just being over dramatic. I can already picture Zane mocking me, his hilarious ratchet girl voice screaming "Over Dramatic!". Classic Zane Hijazi.

Buzz, buzz.

"David, where are you? Dinner's ready and I need you home now! Mom. X"

Sighing, I look back down the street, at the store. Nothing. Putting my seat belt on, I start the car and turn around, driving off into the distance. Further and further away from the store.

(HEY! So short chapter for now! Chapter 9 coming soon!


Chapter 9 is going to be very very mature! I've warned you! If you need a refresher, read the description for this book again if you want to continue reading! It warns you about everything there.

Chapter 9 coming soon hopefully!

As always!

Later Marshmallows!)

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