Dinner Interruption

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A month later:

John POV:

“Are you bored?” I ask Sherlock as he paces back and forth.

“Yes. There hasn’t been any recent cases in the past week.”

“Something will come up dear.” Mrs. Hudson says from the kitchennete.

“So, on a different topic, Sherlock, must you really do that? It’s distracting.” He finally stops and looks at me. “As I was saying, did you know Greg is taking Lucinda out to dinner tonight?”

“Who is Greg?”

“Lestrade.” I say holding the urge to roll my eyes.

“Oh, well that’s nice of him. She will get to now the city.”

“Are you alright?”

“Yes, of course.” And he starts pacing again. “Where is he taking her?”

“I’m not sure. Mary just mentioned it. Lucinda and she had tea together today.”

“Are they friends now?”

“Lucinda and Mary, I suppose.”

“No, Lestrade and Lucinda.”

“I don’t know Sherlock, but if they are going out.. Are you alright? You seem flushed.”

“Yes I’m fine.” He grabs his scarf and coat.

“Are you leaving?”

“I have something I need to do. Give my love to Mary when you go home.”

And he left in a hurry.

“Hugh.” I say to myself.

“He left in quite the rush.” Mrs. Hudson says coming into the living room.

“Yes, he did.”

“Ms. Mitchell is really nice. She brought me some biscuit’s the other day that she came to work with Sherlock.”


“Yes, Sherlock should really try to ask her to dinner sometime. She seems much like him, only sweeter.” She smiles and walks out of the flat.

I take out my cell phone.

‘Don’t ruin Lestrade’s dinner.’ I text Sherlock.


Greg Lestrade POV:

“Ready?” I say as Lucinda opens the door of her flat.

She was gorgeous. She was wearing her hair down, and I could see it was mildly curly. I wanted to reach out and touch it.

“Yes.” She says and grabs her coat before closing the door.

“Thank you for accepting the invitation.” Why did I just say that?

She just smiles and walks down the stairs.

Compliment. Compliment. Compliment.

“Don’t stress yourself, Detective.”

“Greg. Just call me Greg. We’re not working.”

I open the door for her and she gets in.

This was going to be harder than I had anticipated. It was going to be like trying to date Sherlock.

‘Stop thinking about Sherlock!’

I take a quick breath before getting into the driver seat.

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