2|5 Roses, 5 Hearts

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This year will turn out great hope, I mean, they're just typical high school boys wanting to court someone, heh. Well I hope that it turns out like that


"Alright, Class 4-1. I'm here I guess." I murmured looking at the sign, "Oh, Y/N didn't know that you're my classmate." Cole and Jay greeted "Hey guys. so where's my seat?" I asked entering, "HERE!" Both relied on a vacant seat which is next to theirs, "This is gonna be a painful year." I sighed. I sat in the middle while the two sat on either side of me, "What's our first subject?" Jay asked searching thoroughly in his bag, "Who cares, you'll find out later anyway." Cole said swinging his arms behind his head, "Same as ever." I whispered "Hey Jay, how are you and Nya??" I asked, the area suddenly went quiet, quiet enough to hear your own breath, almost like I never heard any news about them because judging by their faces, I think I can tell.

"Can we talk about this later at dismissal..." Jay growled "Y/N, it's better to just stay quiet for a moment, at the same time the teacher is already here." Cole replied in a sad tone.

Time Skip

It's lunch time, and since first period
Jay has been quiet and he keeps ignoring me I shouldn't had asked him in the first place, "Hey,  Lloyd where's Jay??" I asked he glanced at me and replied with a shrug,  "He may be with Cole at the pool." He replied "Thanks." I replied smiling and leaving.

The school pool is where most girls hang out and stalk mostly its kind of freaky and generally odd,  but Jay is there as well as Cole who is taking laps, I sat beside Jay but he's like exerting this cold aura, but it didn't stop from talking to him, "Jay. I'm sorry. " I apologized, "Why are you apologizing?" He asked "But, you, I felt that you're angry at me." I replied "I wasn't, It was just a reflex of mine. " He stated scrolling through his phone "Plus, how can I be angry at you?" He replied again "Jay." Cole snarl,  Jay seems to be surprised by Cole's sudden voice,  "Sorry Y/N, I have to go get my books." Jay said walking out of the facility,  "I'll get going too Cole. See ya at class anyway." I smiling preparing to leave but...

"Y/N!! "

Sorry for late update well it's because I'm trying to make like a new fan fiction like
(i.e. Undertale, Boku no Hero Academia, And etc.)  So thank you for reading this ❤ Maybe after part 3 a new one might come out....

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