Journey (a carl grimes fanfic)

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Chapter 1
It was a long hot day me and Emily have been running for hours the things where finally gone.

Me and Emily got up to a cabin we found in the woods "Emily stay here I will be right back I need to check out the cabin" I said she just stood there looking at me "ok" she said softly.I walked up to the door and took my gun out I went to grab the door knob when I heard screams "EMILY"I yelled.

She had the things all around her I started shooting them till they where all on the ground dead,Emily ran over to me "are you ok" I asked "yes" she said holding me tight.We walked in the cabin I made sure all the rooms where clear then we hung blankets over the windows and tied the door shut and we went to sleep.

I could feel Emily moving around in her sleep I woke up and sat there watching her for a few seconds and went over and picked her up and layed her on my lap she layed her head on my chest I sat there for awhile running my fingers threw her hair till I fell asleep.

It was morning so I woke up and looked around the cabin for some food and like always there was non I checked our bags there was only one slice of bread I put it on the table for Emily.

I walked over to her"wake up sleepyhead" I said in a soft voice she woke up and hugged me "there is some bread on the table for you" I said "what about you" she asked in a soft morning voice "I already ate" I lied she got up and ate the bread and we looked around the cabin a little bit.

i walked in a room and found clothes that would fit me and Emily "Emily" I called "yes" she replied "come here I have some new clothes for us" she came running into the room,we changed our clothes and sat on the floor and played with some toys we found in the rooms when we heard gunshots.

I hope u guys like it so far!!!

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