You Again?

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Shu's POV...
I looked towards my bed where my phone rang...Valt.
I ignored it and pull it in my pocket as I fell onto my sofa with that note in my hands, the light shines through it as I saw a hidden message:
Water? What does that mean? Go to the water?
I sighed and decided to go the park near the lake.
Valt's POV...
I've arrived in New York! It was really crowded so I headed towards the park, know omg I didn't know Shu's address or where his house might be. I sat down at the nearest bench as a lot of people ran towards me.
"You're Valt Aoi?!"
"Why are you here?!"
"You should be in Spain!"
"Battle me?! Please!"
"I'm a huge fan!"
"Where are your friends!"
"Valt, can I take a picture with you?"
"Can we see Valtryek?"
I blushed and laughed nervously as I tried to find an exit, I felt someone grabbed my arm as we headed out of the park.
Shu's POV...
I dragged Valt's arm away from the crowd knowing how uncomfortable it made him.
"S-Shu?!"I heard Valt said as he hugged me,"Shu! I've finally found you!"
"Found me? What do you mean, Valt?"
"I came here for you!"
I smiled as we headed towards my house.
"Valt,"I handed him the paper,"I can't figure out your note..."
"I thought you already figured it out!"Valt laughed as I laughed along side him."What did you find out?"
"Water?"I asked, I didn't know what to say... that was a clue, right?
"One step away!"Valt smiled at me, his smile lightens up my world as I felt myself blushing.
"Tell me the answer, Valt!"I shook him lightly.
Valt's POV...
I laughed as I saw Shu sitting near me.
"Shu!"I shouted making him jump as I grabbed his arm,"Wtf!
"Shu! Why would you do that to yourself?! You'd never do that!"
"How would you know! You weren't with me for 3 freaking years!"
I felt tears forming in my eyes as Shu stepped closer towards me,"Stay Away!"
I took a glass of water and splashed it onto the paper then at him.
"I want the Old Shu I know and love back!"I yelled about running out of the room.
Shu's POV...
I looked down at the paper as the water expose the hidden message:
Shu I've always liked you but I didn't think you'd like me back... what I'm trying to said is I Love You, Shu!
I cried as I ran after Valt,"VALT!"
Me: What will Valt's respond be after seeing Shu like this? Will Shu caught Valt in time? Will-
Other Me: Shhhh! Wait and find out! No more hints!

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