Summary + Chapter 1

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         Lola is  beautiful for a thirteen year old and doesn't she know it. She admires her alabaster skin, a stark contrast to the towns people with tans so deep, It probably reached deep into their bones and settled there.  Her lips are cherry red and when her cupid shaped lips slide into a flirtatious smile, they reveal her deep dimples along with her blindingly white teeth. However, the most striking thing would have to be her cute little button nose and her bright and innocent looking eyes but don't let that fool you.

Lola is not innocent at all.

Last Day of Summer

I smile at myself in the mirror, admiring my reflection. Daddy wouldn't like what I was wearing. He would say, 'Those shorts are a little too short, that shirt show's a little too much,' and he would scold me but Daddy's not here anymore so I don't care. I slide on the white flip flops momma gave me and clamber down the stairs, heading towards the kitchen.

"Hey, momma." I mumble, picking up a banana and starting to peel it.

I can feel mommas eyes on my outfit but she presses her lips together and doesn't say anything. I bite my lips to keep the smile of my face. I'm in the process of taking a large bite out of the banana when momma calls me and I sharply raise my head with an eye brow cocked.

Taking the time to study her, I see she was beautiful once, a blonde haired beauty that won prom queen and used to do pageants. Now the stress is causing premature wrinkles on her tan skin and her green eyes have lost their sparkle. Her blonde hair no longer has a bounce, It's pulled back into a lifeless ponytail and in this moment, I feel bad. What is it like losing all your beauty? Becoming nothing?

"Will you bring this to the neighbor? I borrowed It because we lost ours on the move." She hands me a potato peeler and I have to resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"What's the dudes name?" I ask, struggling to withhold the bored tone.

Momma shakes her head and presses her lips tightly together before sighing, "His name is Mr. Willson."

I scrunch up my nose and she just rolls her eyes at me, shaking her head and muttering something along the lines of "Kids these days." or something similar.

I finish my banana and throw it in the trash next to the kitchen entrance, making my way towards the door. I slide it open and hop outside, heading towards the house that has Mr. W painted on it. Knocking softly, I notice the yellow paint is chipping before an old man with a withered face comes out, smiling as he does so.

I hand the potato peeler to him and he thanks me then I turn around. I'm walking to my house when a car pulls up on the other side of me and I stop, curious to who it is. When the person comes out, I see It's an older guy and hold back the smile. I skip over him and plaster a smile on my face.

"Hi! You live there?" I point the the house next to ours.

He looks at me for only a moment and I stop myself from frowning, he only nods.

"Well, momma and I are your new neighbors!" I chirp.

He looks at me in shock, as If he forgot I was there the whole time. I notice his eyes are a beautiful blue, they're alive like electricity. I wanna touch the soft stubble on his chins and then, It's as If everything changes.

"Well, what's your name?" He looks me up and down and I'm happy that I wore the high waisted shorts with golden studs on the back and the modern cropped white corset under an open back shirt.

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