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Pack: Packs a trunk, or perhaps any luggage.

(Patented Daydream Charm): Gives the spell caster a highly-realistic 30-minute daydream. Side effects include mild drooling and a vacant expression.

Partis Temporus: Creates a temporary gap through protective magical barriers.

Periculum: Creates red sparks/flares to shoot from the users wand

(Permanent Sticking Charm): Makes objects permanently stay in place.

Peskipiksi Pesternomi: The one time it was used, it had absolutely no effect.

Petrificus Totalus (Full Body-Bind Curse): Used to temporarily bind the victim's body in a position much like that of a soldier at attention; the victim will usually fall to the ground.

Piertotum Locomotor: Spell used to animate statues and suits of armour to do the caster's bidding.

(Placement Charm): A charm which temporarily places an object upon a desired target.

Point Me (Four-Point Spell): Causes the caster's wand to act as a compass, and point North.

Portus: Turns an object into a port-key.

Prior Incantato: Causes the echo (a shadow or image) of the last spell cast by a wand to emanate from it.

(Protean Charm): Causes copies of an object to be remotely affected by changes made to the original.

Protego (Shield Charm): The Shield Charm causes minor to moderate jinxes, curses, and hexes to rebound upon the attacker, protecting the caster.

Protego Horribilis: A powerful shield charm against dark magic.

Protego Maxima: A powerful shield charm against dark magic. A stronger and bigger version of Protego, especially when combined with other wizards casting it at the same time. Was so powerful that it could also disintegrate people that came too close and tried to enter it.

Protego Totalum: Casts a shield charm over a small area that will not let anything pass through, except for the Unforgivable Curses: Avada Kedavra, Imperio and Crucio.

(Purple Firecrackers): Causes purple firecrackers to shoot out from the tip of one's wand.

(Pus-squirting hex): Causes yellowish goo to squirt from one's nose.

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