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Salvio Hexia: Unknown, as it was one of several spells that were used to help strengthen Harry's camp-site, and had no seen effects. Possibly deflects minor hexes aimed at an object (the tent).

Sardine hex: Causes sardines to come out of the victim's nose.

Scorching Spell: Produces dancing flames which presumably scorch the opponent.

Scourgify (Scouring Charm): Used to clean something.

Sectumsempra: A dark spell that creates large, blood-oozing gashes on the subject as if said subject had been "slashed by a sword". Invented by Severus Snape.

Shield penetration spell: Presumably annihilates magical enchantments and shields.

Shooting Spell: Used to shoot objects.

Smashing spell: Produces explosions.

Serpensortia (Snake Summons Spell): Conjures a serpent from the spell-caster's wand.

Silencio (Silencing Charm): Makes something silent.

Skurge: Cleans up ectoplasm, the slime-like residue left by certain ghosts. The spell manifests as a blast of greenish suds.

Slugulus Eructo (Slug-vomiting Charm): A jet of green light strikes the victim, who then vomits slugs for ten minutes. The sizes of the vomited slugs decrease with time.

(Sonorous Charm): This charm emits a magnified roar from the tip of the wand. This noise disrupts all in its path, and can even be used to harm opponents.

Sonorus (Amplifying Charm): Magnifies the spell caster's voice when one's wand is pointing to the side of the caster's neck.

Specialis Revelio (Scarpin's Revelaspell): Apparently causes an object to show its hidden secrets or magical properties.

Spongify (Softening Charm): Softens the target.

(Stealth Sensoring Spell): Detects those under magical disguise.

Steleus: A hex that causes the victim to sneeze for a short period of time. This spell is used in duelling to distract the opponent.

(Stinging Hex, Stinging Jinx): Produces a stinging sensation in the victim, resulting in angry red welts and occasionally the severe inflammation of the affected area.

Stupefy (Stunning Spell): Stuns victim. If used too forcefully, it will put the victim in an unconscious state.

(Supersensory Charm): Presumably causes the caster to have enhanced senses, or to be able to sense things they would not normally sense.

(Switching Spell): Causes two objects to be switched for one another.

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