Chapter 16: "Compadres"

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And as the phone rang, you began to get anxious over what Maia would say about the monster incident. You didn't want her to get upset over your actions, you had gotten out of the bad crowd and your ways had changed. Wasn't that enough good to focus on?

Suddenly, the ringing stopped, "Legion of Doom's phone service, how may we execute you today?" Maia spoke which caused you to giggle.

"Hey Maia! What's up?" You asked her.

"The heavens." She replied nonchalantly.

"Okay, seriously Maia, what did you need to tell me?" You asked her with a chuckle.

"Okay. You will not believe this!" She started.

"Ooh, do tell!" You spoke with a smile.

"I'm coming home to visit!" She spoke excitedly and you smiled brightly.

"Oh my God! When?!" You asked her urgently.

"In four days! I can't wait to see you, Grace and Audrey! But mostly you, my drama llama!" She replied and you froze, a frown appearing on your face.

"I can't wait to see you! But uh..." You paused, trying to figure out how you'd explain the whole ordeal with Grace and Audrey.

"So, Grace, Audrey and I all had a fall out..." You spoke with a hint of sadness to your voice.

"What?! How'd that happen?" She asked you in surprise.

"Well, promise you won't hate me for what I did at first, I swear I have changed." You responded nervously.

"Changed from what? What did you do?"

"Did you kill one of them?" She asked you almost worriedly.

"No, no! Grace and Audrey frequently attend monster protests and I got dragged along with them. I went with them to fit in but I really never have hated monsters like they have." You explained quickly.

"You... attended monster protests?" She responded in a disappointed tone.

"I only did because they dragged me, I wasn't thinking straight! I'm friends with them now and I even work at a business owned by a monster. I swear I have changed, please don't hate me." You replied guiltily.

"I don't hate you, (Y/N). I believe you. I knew you never hated monsters but, I never knew you were too afraid to admit it. I'm glad you finally came to terms with them, and even befriended one of them. Heck, I myself have even befriended one." She responded.

"I have actually befriended around three. Sans, Papyrus and Muffet. But, who have you befriended? I'm curious." You asked her in curiosity.

"I have befriended a goat monster named Asgore. As I've heard, he was the former king of the underground, and was married to Queen Toriel." Maia replied.

"You also mentioned you befriended a monster named Papyrus, no?" She added.

"Yeah, what about him?" You asked her in response.

"Well, Asgore has told me that he is great friends with a monster named Papyrus, and is moving back to Ebott City to see him again." Maia explained.

"So me and him are traveling on the same plane together." She added.

"Oh, that's so cool! Who knew that our monster buds would be close to each other." You chuckled.

"I know right?! Looks like our friendship is always connected." She remarked and you let out another chuckle.

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