chapter twenty

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"Erwin I bought some sushi for you."
No reply.
"Tch..." Levi took of his shoes and neatly placed then on a mat, he walked into his living room expecting to see Erwin, he wasn't here.
Erwin knew all to good that the living room was the only place he was allowed to go into. This made Levi feel anxious, he opened the cabin were the basement key was hidden.
It wasn't there.
Levi quickly ran to the basement door, yanked the door open and ran down the stairs.
He looked around, it was to dark to really see but he could hear...eren  crying. "Erwin get away from eren."
No reply.
"Now!!!" Levi yelled but again no response from Erwin.
Levi turned on the light switch, he was finally able to see eren who was sitting on the couch crying.
"Eren!!" He walked towards him with a quick pase. "Are you okay?! Where's erwi-" *splash*
Levi stopped mid his sentence and slowly looked down. His foot was drenched in blood, Erwin's blood.
Levi felt like throwing up and kicked Erwin's body out of eren's sight.
"I'm sorry..I'm so sorry..." eren sobbed while hugging his own knees.
Levi looked at him, he was shaking. " did good.." he said while sitting down next to eren, pulled eren on his lap and hugged his fragile body. "You did good.."
Eren cried on Levi's shoulder, he didn't mind, he's glad eren isn't pushing him away.
Eren sobbed louder. "Shhh....shh.." Levi made stroked soothing circles on eren's back with his hand.


16 Months have already passed since eren's kidnapping.
Today, it was Christmas.
"Look...." an old woman held up a self made jacket. "It's for when he comes back, he won't be cold." The woman smiled at Grisha. "I'm sure he'll like it...he's quite the rebellious teen..."
The woman laughed and then couched a few times. "I know...and that's why, he'll come back." The woman smiled with closed eyes and turned her attention to a male sitting across the room. "Zeke, why don't you open the next present?" Zeke nodded and grabbed a present from underneath the tree." I got this one..for eren." Grisha and the old lady smiled. "Show us.." Grisha said.
Zeke untied the green ribbon of the present and opened the box, he lifted a green ball out of it. "A ball, so when eren gets back, we can play together every day." He stroked the ball.

~to be contineud~
Sorry that the chapter is so short! This is my worst udate till now ..I'm just really tired and I have 8 hours school tomorrow.
I'll try and update!
Comments and votes will be appreciated❤❤

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