Chapter 9

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I was frozen in place. It was like the world had stopped. The smell coming off the note was so strong it was impossible to not recognize. Then I heard his laugh in my head just like in my dream. I growled and ran inside.

I went into the kitchen and turned on the stove. I put the paper on the burner and watched it be engulfed in flames. When there was nothing left I turned off the fire. I didn’t know how he found me or how I didn’t see him put that note in my book but I wasn’t going to settle for it. Next time I see him I’m going to punch that smirk off his face.

I got my bag and walked outside. I made sure the door was locked and started walking to school. Hopefully I won’t even see that creep today. The idea made me feel I little better. Then I imaged me seeing him and punching him in the face and that thought put a smile on my face.

I got to the school with a few minutes to spare. I went to my locker and got my stuff. I was about to close my locker when I smelled something like roses coming toward me. I closed my locker and standing next to me was a girl. She was a head shorter than me and had light brown hair.

“Hi my name’s Summer, Summer True and you must be the new girl.” She stood on her toes and looked right in my face. “Wow they were right; you have the brightest eyes ever!” I should have felt good that someone was talking to me and not only that but commenting me but you know what they say, never trust a flatter. Plus the “they” in her comment made me wonder.

“Who are they?” She looked at me like she was shocked I could talk. She rolled her head and looked around. “Well it isn’t everyday a new kid comes to Riverlake. Not to mention one that attacked one of the most popular kids in like the whole town. Everyone is talking about you!”

I rolled my eyes. That explained my classmates, Oh well. I started walking down the hall and she followed me. “Wait, what’s your name.” Maybe it was the fact that I haven’t talked to anyone for a while but I wanted to tell her my name.

“It’s Taylor Bite.” “Oh that’s so cool! I once read this book where this other girl named Taylor saved the world. You should read it, it was a great book.” I looked at her and she smiled at me. Maybe this won’t be such a bad year after all.

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