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The Quinjet was slow, too slow for Victoria's liking. They needed to get to the tower, and the jet that was flying at a rate of, what felt like, 40 km/h.

Steve was flying, while the twins stood by the door conversing in their Sokovian tongue. Pietro sent nervous glances towards Victoria, his legs itching to move towards her. But his sister kept him planted where he was.

Victoria was worried about Natasha, her father informed them that Ultron had taken Nat, but he was still working on where to find her. She couldn't believe that all this was happening.

So much had happened in the past month, so much that she couldn't even fathom to explain. She hated what was happening. She hated that she felt like some useless child, something her father clearly viewed her as.

Her breath caught in her throat and her head felt like it was on fire, making her let out a silent cry – one Pietro seemed to notice. He sped over to her, his brows furrowed in concern.


Her vision was blurry, and her mind was malfunctioning. She couldn't think straight and her breathing was affected by it. Another cry left her lips, this time notifying Steve. He rushed over, pushing Pietro to the side.

"Vic? Vic, talk to me!"

"I—It hurts. It hurts so much, S—Steve!"

"I know, but you need to breathe."

Pietro crouched down next to her, his lips kissing her cheek gently. The gesture seemed to calm her down, allowing her lungs to pass through some air.

Steve noticed this, stepping back and allowing Pietro to move to his previous spot. Pietro nodded at the soldier, before cupping Victoria's cheeks.

"Vic? Victoria, I need you to listen to my voice, okay? Hear my voice and know," Pietro paused. "Know that I am here, and I am never leaving you. Alright? You hear me, Victoria? I am not going anywhere."

Her breathing slowed, and she blinked a couple hundred times, before focusing on Pietro's cyan eyes. She looked down, ashamed that she had let herself get that low, in front of Steve and the twins nonetheless. Pietro lifted her chin, giving her a reassuring smile.

"You good?"

"Yes, I am," she held onto his arm. "Thank you."


Wanda frowned, feeling the pain from the younger girl roll off of her body and disintegrating into the air. Pietro made her happy, he loved her. It baffled Wanda. The girl was a contributing member to their parent's death, and here her brother was frolicking with her.

"So, I think we need to speak."

Victoria looked up at Steve, the soldier's arms crossed as he glanced at the twins.

"Why did you side with him, with Ultron and Strucker?"

"We thought what we were doing would avenge our parents, that we would be able to get revenge on Stark."

"You know it wasn't him, right?" Victoria glanced to Wanda, who's face held a glare. "It wasn't."

"She's right," Steve assured. "S.H.I.E.L.D. had control of all of Stark's industries. Of course, HYDRA had control of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"But he was the one who made the missiles," Wanda spat.

"No, no he didn't. S.H.I.E.L.D. took over that part of Tony's life, because he was so focused on being Iron Man and saving people."

A silence fell over the twins, the pair staring at one another. They seemed to be speaking telepathically, something Victoria had read that they can do.

"I—I'm sorry."

"We're almost at the tower, so get ready because Tony won't comply without a fight."


Pietro looked at Victoria as she called for him. She was still on the floor, a smile gracing her face.

"Yes, Victoria?"

"Why did you do that? You didn't have to."

"I felt the need to help you, call it a brotherly instinct."

"Oh," she looked down. "So, I'm a sister to you?"

"What? No, of course not! If I thought of you as a sister, why would I be feeling like this?"

"Like what?"

Pietro hesitated, biting his lip as the girl furrowed her brows in confusion. He sighed, muttering something in Sokovian before cupping her cheeks again, his lips moving toward hers. The action made her breath hitch, again, and she felt herself melt into him.

Their lips met and it was as though an army of butterflies with atomic bombs had entered her stomach.  The way his lips moved in sync with hers made her head spin in the most wonderful way.

Pietro pulled away slightly, but he was still close enough to feel the smile that spread across his face in that moment.  Her giggling, mixed with the giddiness of the situation, made Pietro grin as though he was the Cheshire Cat.

"You are something else, Pietro Maximoff."

The jet touched down, making Victoria tense. She could feel the upcoming fight, but she knew it was necessary. What Tony was building was insane, and had the ability to kill them all.

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