Chapter 39

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You wake up confused for a split second feeling dizzy and light headed, fluttering your eyes open and rolling over before everything comes flooding back to you. Immediately you bolt upright and gasp, looking around.

"Mrs Barnes!" A nurse urgently rushes up to you and gently pushes you down. "Just stay calm please, lie back down, relax."

"Where's Bucky?" you ask frantically. "Where's my baby?"

"Deep breaths please (Y/N). You passed out, you just need to take it easy," she insists.

"Where are they?" You whimper terrified of what could be wrong.

"You lost a lot of blood during the birth. Your baby wasn't breathing when he was born but he is fine now, happy and healthy. He's with your husband in a room just down the corridor. I can go get them if you'd like?" she asks.

Your heart drops but relief washes over you at the same time.

"Yes!" You nod.

She hurries out and you gingerly sit up, looking around the room. You can't help but notice that your hands are trembling and you do still feel faint so you lie back down and close your eyes.


You must drift off because next thing you know you wake up to the sound of a baby crying. Stirring, you frown as you blink and look beside you to see Bucky sitting in the chair smiling down at a little bundle in his arms, shushing and cooing to it and gently bouncing it. He hasn't noticed you let but he looks so happy and in love and of course he's a natural, you almost don't want to disturb him. However of course you want to meet your own child and the curiosity gets the best of you.

"Hey," you croak.

Bucky's head shoots up immediately and he breaks out into a huge smile and gets up coming closer too you although you can tell he's been crying from his bloodshot eyes.

"Hey doll," he whispers. "I won't keep you waiting any longer, so meet Theo." He beams as he crouches down and shows you the little bundle.

You gasp and feel tears welling in your eyes as you take your little boy in your arms. As if by instinct, as soon as you have him he stops crying and settles down, staring up at you in awe.

"He's beautiful." You cry. "And so tiny."

"He amazing." Bucky nods and smiles, getting teary himself as he leans up to kiss you on the forehead and wraps his arm around your shoulders before gazing down at your little bundle of joy too. "And he's all ours all thanks to you."

"It's a two person job Buck." You laugh quietly, sniffling through your tears.

You reach down and stroke Theo's face, his giant pale blue eyes just staring at you.

"He's so tiny, I forgot after Luke how small they are." Bucky chuckles quietly.

"I forgot even after Isla!" You exclaim.

"Isn't he just perfect?" He sighs.

"He really is," you agree. "I'm sorry." You whimper after a while. "I'm sorry for scaring you."

"Hey hey doll, shh shh. You don't have to say sorry it isn't your fault. I'm just glad you're both okay now," he assures you with sadness in his eyes as he leans in to kiss your cheek again.

"How long have I been out for?" You frown.

"Well you were unconscious for around four hours and then they came and got me but you must've fallen back to sleep before I came in so I just left you to rest," he explains.

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