How they confort you

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Adam :

Ever since the death of parents . You've been distant , depressed. But most of all, you were scared . You're friends we're worried about you;Adam was worried about you . But you always told them you were okay. You were always okay . But one day, Adam was worried about you so he went to your house ;he ran the door bell . No answer.he tried again,yet again no answer. At this point, he expected the worst. So with no hesitation;he broke open the door with his super strength. When he entered he found you en the sofa , you're hands en you're head and papers everywhere. He quickly ran beside you .

" Y/N ! What happened?!." Adam said panicking.

"Today I did the thing ,I was most afraid of....". You confessed not looking at him .

Are you okay ?! ,baby please talk to me ." He said grabbing your hands causing you to look at him . When he got a good look at you ,his heart literally broke. Your eyes were Buffy ,hair a mess ,etc....

"I lost control..." you whispered looking at him as a tear split down your cheek.

"What do you mean ?" He whispered back .

"I mean ... I'm sick of this !!!." You burst out getting up passing around the room.

"I'm sick all this !. School , this house,life . " you yelled.

"What's wrong with this house?." He asked quickly as he made his way to you so you were facing him .

"This house... this house is full memories of the people that I loved that had died ." You trailed off and the tears from your eyes keep pouring.

( the vampire diaries;Sorry, I couldn't contain myself)

Adam immediately pulled you in his arms for tight embrace . Once you were in his arms ,you lost it and cried your eyes . Adam didn't do anything,he just let you cry as he stroke your hair .

"Hey ,it's okay . I'm here ." He assured you .

There was a pause ,until you spoke again .

"Why does everyone die on me ." You asked breathless.

"I don't know." Adam said pulling away to look at you in the eyes."but you know ,what I know?." He questioned.

" What ?." You asked quickly

"That I love you " he said .you smiled lightly.

"I love you too ." You whispered before hugging him.

"  You whispered before hugging him

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You and Chase are always there for each other.which means,if something is bugging you;Chase will automatically know or the other way around. But you recently been acting weird . Chase could tell . You weren't yourself. So now you guys were having lunch . You barely touched your food. And that was when Chase snapped.

"What going on with you ? ." He questioned.

"What ?." You asked confused.

" I mean , what's going on ;you've acting weird .  " he admitted.

"You want the truth?." You ask

"Of course."  He answered quickly.

"I don't know." You confessed quietly.

"What .?" He ask .

"I just .... a minute I'm fine , the next minute I feel like I'm dying. ." You explained. And for the first time Chase Davenport was speechless.. He quickly stood up making you do the same . And he pulled you to a hug .

Leo :
Leo and Y/N ; Y/N and Leo. The power couple. Each other's soulmates . Everyone was jealous of you guys. You guys are always together. So , when Y/N broke up with Leo. It shook everyone. But it started getting weirder when you started skipping classes, you change your style and you were starting to be mean to everyone even Leo. one day ,you were at your locker . So ,  leo decided to talk to you .

"Hey Y/N,can we talk ?." Leo ask nervously. You just gave him a fake smile before closing your locker .

"Nope ." You said pooping the 'p' . And making your way outside mission creek high school (sorry, I forgot how's called )

"Please ." He begged following behind you .

"Shouldn't you be in clase ." You ask clearly annoyed .

"Not until you talk to me ." He said making you stop in your tracks . You sighed before turning to him .

"Fine , you want to talk let's talk ."  You said giving him another fake smile.

" why are you being like this ? ." He questioned.

"Being like what?." You ask innocently.

"Like you don't care ." He said trying to reason.

" that's why I don't care about anything." You corrected making him snapped.

" Stop ! Okay,you're not like this ."   He said making you snapped as well.

" has it ever occurred to you that maybe you don't know who I am !." You snapped sitting on a bench that was near you guys.

" okay, what's really going on? ." He ask knowing something was up .

" nothing." You mumble.

"Okay." He said not convinced . You guys sat there in silence. He knew how much you hated silence and he was waiting for you to crack. And you eventually did .

" okay, so maybe it's something." You slightly confessed. Making him chuckle a little .

"What's up ?."  He ask sitting next to you in the bench .

" it's just ..."  you trailed off  eyes on your lap not meeting his eyes.

"Hey, talk to me ." He said grabbing your chin making you look at him.

" my parents are getting a divorce."  You said weakly. Making his eyes widen. He grabbed you pulling you into a hug .

"I'm sorry." He whispered in your ear.

"Me too ."  You said into his chest

" for what?." He ask lightly confused.

"For breaking up with you , I just fought that if I shut myself from the world. It will be easier but it not ." You admitted.

"I want you to know , that I'm always going to be here for you." He pulled away to met you're eyes .

" Thank you."  You said looking in his eyes. Soon after , your eyes drifted to his lips. You soon find him doing the same thing . You both leaned in and finally your lips meet. To a sweet kiss .

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