#112 When You're Cold

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Niall: "I'm not joking, (YN), survival 101, you will get warmer quicker if you take off all of your clothes and cuddle close to me! Look, i'll start!" with that being said, Niall started to take off his sweatshirt and shirt. "Now you do the same, and we'll cuddle in the sleeping bag! Come on babe, it's just me and you, nobody else will see you!" you nodded in agreement before finally undressing and joining Niall in the sleeping bag.

Harry: "Babe, you do know that you have like a dozen hoodies on right?" you nodded your head as you reached for another sweatshirt. "It's cold outside and it's cold in here, Harry, i had to do what was necessary!" Harry took the sweatshirt from you and flew it across the room. "You could have just cuddled with me, i can get you warm in a heart beat!"

Zayn: "Hot Cocoa in bed and a movie to watch, such a perfect way to spend a cold evening in London, now isnt it love?" You glanced at your boyfriend and giggled. "Yeah, just wish it could be a little warmer!" you take your cup and Zayn pulls you closer to him. "I am a hot one, you know!" ;)

Liam: "Do you want to start a fire, love? You look like you're shivering!" you smiled from your spot on the couch, swaddled in blankets. "Yeah, but do you mind if i start it up babe?" Liam smiled at you. "Yes my little pyro, you may start it!" You giggled and climbed down in front of the fire place. "I like my fire!"

Louis: "It's cold, Lou!" you complained. Louis smiled, took his coat off and put it neatly over your shoulders. "All better love?" You nodded into his shoulder, a smile on your face. "Yes, much better! You're jacket is warm, and it smells just like you, cant get much better than that!"

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