Chapter 9

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Thank ya'll so much for all of the reads/votes/comments! I hope you're enjoying the story as much as I've enjoyed writing it! As always, a vote and comment would be greatly appreciated!

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Thank ya'll so much for all of the reads/votes/comments! I hope you're enjoying the story as much as I've enjoyed writing it! As always, a vote and comment would be greatly appreciated!

Snow fell as Ellison strode across the courtyard. Another week had come and gone since hers and Tom's trip to Hogsmeade, and now, the end of term was upon them. She and her classmates had been given the day off to prepare for the exams they would soon take but she had had other things on her mind.

For an entire week she had been replaying that Saturday afternoon's events over in her mind. The day her and Tom had ventured to Hogsmeade had begun as any other day. She had found Tom sitting in his usual spot in the Slytherin common room reading. He, of course, had been reluctant to go with her when she had asked him. But, as always, he had given in. But something had been different.

Tom, who always kept a calm, reserved demeanor especially as of late, had let his walls down and had had fun. The usual smirk he wore had been replaced with a genuine smile, something Ellison hadn't seen from him in too long. They had laughed and talked. And then, as abruptly as it had started, it had come to an end. The carefree atmosphere that had surrounded them had morphed into a stuffy, awkward one when they had been mistaken for a couple.

As absurd as it was, Tom's correction to the waitress had hurt Ellison. She had felt childish and stupid for allowing it to hurt her feelings. But what bothered her the most was why it had hurt her. She and Tom were friends, they had only ever been friends. Ellison had never thought of him as anything else. But now ... Was she actually contemplating the possibility of her and Tom? She shook the thought from her head and kept walking, trying to focus on the task at hand: exams.

She entered into a first floor corridor and shook out the snowflakes that peppered her hair. She pushed through the double doors that led to the library and found a seat next to a wall lined with windows, preparing for the long afternoon of studying that lied ahead. Not a minute after she had opened up her Defense against the Dark Arts textbook, a book bag landed haphazardly onto the table. Jumping in surprise, she looked up to see Tom standing before her.

"Doing a bit of last minute studying?" he asked, sitting down in the chair across from her.

"Would I be spending my free time here if I wasn't?" she retorted, looking back down at the open book before her. Tom smirked.

"Mind if I join you then?"

"It seems as though you already have." She glanced up at him, her lips curling into a small smirk, before she pursed them. No ... she couldn't let her focus waver ... as if she had any. Tom leaned back in his chair, drawing his feet up onto the table. She glanced over at the pair of shoes that now found themselves next to her book.

"Comfortable?" She asked, drawing her eyes up to the boy the shoes belonged to.

"So," Tom began, ignoring her question, "will you be attending Slughorn's Christmas party next week?"

"I was planning to." She eyed him as she tried to ignore the flip her stomach had just turned, "Why?"

"Just curious." He said coolly. She looked back down at the page she had been trying to read, but didn't continue in her efforts.

"Are you?" she asked not look at him, her tone feigning indifference.

"Of course." He responded simply.

"And who do you plan on gracing with your presence for the evening?" Her tone was thick with its usual sarcasm, but she really had wondered who Tom would be taking and now, she was more curious than ever.

"Haven't really thought about it." He shrugged. "I suppose I'll be going stag."

"Oh." She replied, her heart sinking. She blushed at the disappointment she felt. 'God, what is wrong with you,' she thought as she bit the inside of her cheek, trying desperately to fix the look of disappointment she was sure was plastered on her face. She didn't know why his response bothered her. After all, she hadn't expected him to ask her. Why would he? But they were both going to be there, and they were both without dates. It only made sense for them to go together ... as friends. But did she really want to go as friends?

She shook the thoughts away again. She couldn't entertain the possibility anymore. She was kidding herself if she even thought there was a possibility. Had she lost it? This was Tom Riddle. She glanced up at Tom, who was watching her intently. She felt the warmth in her cheeks spread down her neck, and stood up abruptly.

"Um..." she paused, flustered. "I ... forgot I have something to do," she said, grabbing her bag and book from the table. "I'll see you later, okay?" she continued, flashing a fleeting smile in Tom's direction as she turned and headed for the exit, leaving Tom seated there, a confused expression across his face.

There was no way she was going to Slughorn's Christmas party without a date. Not after that little performance. She would simply have to make other arrangements, though how she was going to do that in a week's time she didn't know.


Hey guys!! This chapter is a lot shorter than I wanted it to be but this is the best I could do and still be able to study for my cardiac test (yay for nursing school ... again, not.)! The next chapter will be more eventful, promise! Hopefully I will update tomorrow or Saturday, but don't hate me if I don't!

Let me know what you guys think please ... a few comments and votes might give me an incentive to update sooner rather than later ; )

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