Chapter Twenty-Six: One Panic Attack Later

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Before this chapter starts I would like to just point out something that I find a little funny.....You guys need to get those feelings of yours in shape...I should have warned that chapter one that this book would be a rollercoaster of emotions. Expect if you are like me and have no soul.

If you get upset reading these chapters, imagine writing them... (Even though I clearly have no soul.....) ;)

And trigger warning...

Mitch woke up with his head on Jerome's shoulder and his arms resting limp around his waist. Mitch picks up his head a little, seeing Jerome playing his game and the volume isn't on. Jerome glances at Mitch.

"Good morning sunshine, or actually rather good evening." Jerome said. Mitch sits up slightly, rubbing his tired eyes. Mitch looks at the TV. Jerome stops his game. "Do you want to watch a movie or something?" Mitch nods and Jerome gets up, going to the TV. Mitch looks at the floor. 'How long has it been since I even thought about my channel? Or Jerome and his?' Mitch thought. Jerome puts in. A movie. "Okay, does Pacific Rim sound good?" (For some weird reason, I do love Pacific Rim, but that was the only movie that popped into my head)

"Yeah." Mitch said. Jerome sits back down beside Mitch right before Mitch yawns. Jerome turns off mute.

"Are you gonna pass out on me again, Mitch?" He asks. Mitch grabs a pillow, putting it in Jerome's lap before he rests his head on it, snuggling with his blanket. Jerome smiles a little, Mitch feels him mess with his hair gently. Mitch loses his smile, his forearm is sending out sharp pulsating waves of pain that makes him ball his hand into a fist. 'No...No. I...I don't cut anymore...I.' Mitch thought.

"Mitch." Jerome said pulling Mitch out of his thoughts. "Are you okay?" Mitch nods.

"J-Just tired." He lied. Mitch ended up falling asleep again in the middle of the movie, and when Jerome woke him up, it was almost the middle of the night. Mitch touches his aching arm, his eyes automatically scanning the room for something sharp till his bites on his bottom lip. Mitch gets up, going into the kitchen and putting him against Jerome. Jerome looks at him.

"What's wrong?" Jerome asks him. Jerome's arms go around him. Mitch closes his eyes, resting his head on Jerome's shoulder while he grips his arm. 'I...I'm not depressed anymore why do I feel like I am and want to cut to make myself feel something different. Why?' Mitch thought. Mitch's arms slowly go around Jerome's hips.

"Nothing." Mitch said. They stay still for a while, just hugging till Mitch moves away. "You didn't pack any clothes for me, Jerome." Jerome opens his mouth as if he was gonna speak but nothing came out until he thought about it.

"Oh...That must have slipped my mind. I got your hoodie though. At least I did that right." He said. Mitch looks away from Jerome and Jerome sighs. "Sorry, Benja. I was focused on getting you that I forgot. You can borrow some of my stuff if you want." Mitch nods and Jerome turns out all the lights before they both go into Jerome's room. Mitch sits on the bed.

"I ain't borrowing underwear, I'll say that." Mitch said. Jerome smiles a little and pulls out a shirt and sweatpants.

"How about this?" Jerome asks tossing them to Mitch. Mitch takes them and looks at them.

"They are fine." Mitch said. Mitch gets up and leaves, Jerome changes out of his jeans at least and into something more comfortable for bed. Jerome crawls into bed and is soon joined by Mitch. Mitch crawls underneath the blankets, instantly gets encompassed by Jerome's arms. Mitch smiles a little as Jerome pulls Mitch against him. Mitch buries his face into Jerome's chest. Jerome rests his head against Mitch's soon falling asleep.

Because You Need Someone: Book 1 in the Need Trilogy: The Pack: MeromeWhere stories live. Discover now