Chapter Fifteen

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"Valvia...? You out here?"  Miki and Michiko call out together in sync, stepping out the back of the small breakfast bar that they ate in moments ago, however, payment left back on the table, not bothering to count, and began searching for Valvia who suddenly wondered off without their knowledge. 

Somehow, she managed to make it outside unscathed, despite the restaurant being busy.

Michiko having stuffed a whole batch of different breakfast buffet foods into tub and is now carrying it. "What the hell are you doing!?" Michiko snaps, seeing Valvia in the back alley, unmoving and not speaking.

Valvia staring blindly out of the alley towards a fountain that is made of stone into a circular design. Thin jets of water firing into the air before landing back into one of three curled bowls. Small lights around the outskirts and turned on despite the lack of nights' darkness, setting the fountain into a ambient glow. 

"The hell you doing?" Michiko repeats, fluffing up her cheek fluff with one paw before glancing over her shoulder towards the closed door they just left through, having felt piercing eyes on her back. "You didn't even finish eating!"

"Hun...gee..." Valvia murmurs. "Did... I not eat... enough...?"

"You barely ate anything. Now that's not right." Michiko responds, ears flickering. "You always are hungry... So I brought extra's!"

"Valvia?" Miki murmurs, pawing at her leg. "What's up with you?" She doesn't respond, tilting her head and taking another step forward, stumbling and pressing a hand against the wall for support. "Valvia... Careful." He mutters, tapping the back of her kneecaps with his dagger strapped tail.

"There a pulsating magic... coming from that direction."

"What do you mean...? The fountain? Yeah, take it in now, its got a painting of it up in the hotel." Michiko mutters, stepping ahead of them while Valvia doesn't move. Breaking free of the alley, she just looks around, swapping the food filled tub from paw to paw before eying Valvia again, analysing her intently. "You're body's... not doing well again..." 

"My body... is never doing good..."

"Ointment?" Miki pulls out the tub from underneath the folds of Valvia's attire. "However... we're running out." He mutters, cringing after pulling the lid off the tub to see he's going to have to scrape the remains of the contents out 

"We'll get some soon. We will have to crack you up a bit more constantly. Alright?" Michiko responds and Valvia nods softly to her words. "Those bones are getting more brittle, and painless. So, cracking them in and out of place won't be too bad."

Miki carefully pulls Valvia from the alley way and out into the non-busy streets. Most people already rushing towards the stadium for the best seats, and best choice of memorabilia to wave in the air. He sits her carefully upon the fountains' side, missing the slight smirk that is pushed into his direction.

Michiko placing the tub down which Miki chucked to her before leaving the alley way, and easily catches the distant look gracing her human companion's face. "Don't fret... You won't succumb to them... You don't want to, so we won't allow it!" Truth behind Michiko's words, and an undeniable promise.

"Of An Exceeds Honour." Michiko raises her right paw.

"Of An Exceeds Honour." Miki raises his left paw. 

Valvia raises both her hands in the air, tilting her head back and closes her eyes. "A dragons... honour... will also protect you both."


"Coa's not doing too well..." Valvia mutters as she listens to the booming voice of the commenters that even reach their position. Her body laid down, arms raised and resting above her head and to match her relaxed body, a calm heart and breathing rate.

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