Same Old Mandy

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^Praying- Ke$ha

It's been a month since Matthew and I have come out and Mandy still can't accept the fact that her old 'boo' (Matthew) and her new 'boo' (me) are dating each other.

---in school---

Matthew, Clara and I walk down the hallways of our school together, which has kinda been our thing ever since me and Matthew came out.

"Mandy is giving us that glare again..." I say

"Same old Mandy

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"Same old Mandy..." Clara says shaking her head.

"Ya know what, I'm sick of this!" Matthew says as he approaches Mandy

"STOP IT! Ok just STOP!" He snaps as others gasp

"What are you talking about?" Mandy asks

"I'm talking about this cliché mean girls attitude!" He screams

"I'm just being myself!" Mandy screams back

"No, you're just being mean! And nobody will truly like you if you stay like that." He says in a firm tone.

"Oh snap! He's on fire!" Clara whispers to me

"I've never seen this side of him..." I whisper back

"Sorry you had to see that..." Matthew says as he approaches us

"It's cool, right Asher?" Clara says looking up at me

"Sure......" I say blankly. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom...." I say as I walk away slowly as I try to process what just happened.

Matthew's POV

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask Clara worriedly

"To be completely honest with you, I think yes." She says nodding her head as she looks at Asher worriedly

"So?" I ask raising my brows

"He whispered to me AND I QUOTE 'I've never seen this side of him before...." Clara says

"No....." I say before I chase Asher, leaving Clara behind

"Great, now its just me!" She says

Ashley's POV

As I enter the bathroom, I start to feel the guilt rushing in my chest. I start to breathe heavily as my body goes weak. This usually happens when I feel a rush of mixed emotions, I can't handle it all.

"ASHER!" Matthew screams as he starts rushing towards me. He helps me up from the floor and rushes me to the clinic.

"ASHER!" Clara screams worriedly as she barges in the clinic. "Is he alright?" She asks

"He's fine, he's just really sensitive when it comes to.....well everything." The nurse says

"What do you mean everything?" Matthew and Clara say in unison

"I'll explain later...."I say

---after school---

"Asher what is going on?"Clara asks worriedly

"I was bullied at a very young age....and until now their voices haunt me....."I take a pause before continuing. "And that has affected a very severe way. I'm a very sensitive person.....and if I get way too emotional......I breakdown." I say as I see tears roll down Clara and Matthew's faces.

"Oh Asher...." Clara says before hugging me as Matthew follows

This is technically true, the only lie here is Asher......

Thank you guys so much for reading! I would very much appreciate if you check out my other story "For Love....." because I updated it. Btw, if you have noticed Bella Thorne is portraying the character Mandy. Anyways, cya! :)

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