Chapter Forty Four

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Savannah's POV

I wake up the way I always wake up, arms wrapped around me and a feeling of warmth and safeness to them. Nate was lying on his back and I had my leg draped over his and my cast arm laying on his chest. Yesterday when I awoke from my coma he look terrible, bags under his eyes, hair messy, clothes wrinkled, he even looked a little thinner which worried me. I had to use the bathroom but I had so many wires hooked up to me I was afraid to move. I reached up and pressed the nurse button and she quickly came in

"Yes Miss White?"

I signalled for her to be quiet since it looked like Nate needed the sleep "I need to use the bathroom" I whispered and she nodded she removed some wires but kept some connected

"I will have to help you since your legs will still be weak and you will have to wheel this in with you"

"Thank you"

I slipped out of bed and the nurse held me as I held the monitor for extra support, I shuffled my feet too weak to properly lift them. When we got to the bathroom she helped me sit down then turned her head and I silently thanked her for that. When I finished she turned back around and helped me back to the bed where Nate still lied asleep. After I thanked her I crawled back under the covers and Nate instantly wrapped his arm back around making me smile. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and there were already a couple texts from Lauren asking how I was and saying that she would come when I have my therapy. Today I start to get my legs back to their original strength, the team had agreed that if I can back to where I was in a month that I could keep my spot and the doctors already said it's doable as long as I work hard.

"Princess what are you doing up?" Nate asked groggily

"I've been asleep for two weeks, you on the other hand have barely slept at all so you sleep. I'm okay with watching Netflix on my phone"

"You don't have to tell me twice" and off he drifted back to sleep. I felt bad on how tired he was and it was my fault, he barely slept so he didn't miss it if I woke up. I put an old episode of Pretty Little Liars on my phone and soon a nurse came in offering me coffee which I gladly accepted. After three episodes Nate woke up and started kissing up my neck

"I missed doing this" he said against my neck

"I'm sorry" he started laughing

"Why are you sorry? You couldn't have helped that"

"And neither could you. I heard you, you know. You couldn't have helped that either"

"I missed waking up next to you" Nate changed the subject

"It looks like you missed sleeping all together" he chuckled nervously

"Hi Miss White, are you ready?" the therapist came in and I nodded "Great, your mom is already down there waiting" It felt kind of weird to hear him call her mom but I also didn't mind it. Nate went to the bathroom and changed and then a nurse came in and helped me change into track pants and muscle shirt. From there I was taken in a wheelchair down to the physical therapy room where Lauren stood waiting. Which surprised me most was she was in jeans and a t shirt, she's normally dressed in a fancy dress or dress pants with heels. I barely ever see her in running shoes.

"Hi honey" she kissed my and Nate's foreheads

"Hey ma" Nate responded

"Hi" I didn't know whether or not to call her Lauren or mom anymore, I mean she must've told the therapist she was my mom, did she want me to call her that or would it be weird? I guess if my mom wanted me calling anyone else that it would be Lauren and technically she kind of is since I'm most likely ending up with Nate.

"Okay so Savannah we're gonna get you up and over here" Nate helped me up and I leaned against him for extra support. From there we started three hours of physical therapy. By the end of it I was sweating and miserable. Seeing how out of shape and incapable I am really hit me hard when we got back up to the room. Lauren had stayed down to talk about how I'm doing and things like that while Nate helped me back onto the bed. I looked away from him so he couldn't see the tears in my eyes, too bad he knew me so well and pulled my chin lightly so I was looking at him. His eyebrows furrowed when he saw my tears and wiped them away with his thumb.

"What's the matter princess?"

"How could you still want me? Look at me I can barely even walk. I can't go to the bathroom without help to even get there, one of my arms are in a cast and I'm all bruised and cut, I look like shit"

He growled and looked me straight in the eye "I want you because you are an amazing kind hearted person, I don't care if right now you can't fully walk hell I would still want you if you were in a wheelchair for the rest of your life. Your arm is healing and if that would be one of the reasons to break up then you might as well break up with me since I have one too. And to me you are always beautiful, with or without bruises"

"I just can't lose you"

"You won't. Not now, not ever"

Lauren came back into the room and looked slightly happy

"Can I talk to Savannah please Nathaniel" Nate nodded his head and walked out of the room saying something about getting coffee.

"Hi dear"


"So the doctor said you're not too bad and with a couple hours of physical therapy every day you should be good to play soccer again"


"Yep and I also wanted to talk to you about something else. The therapist called me your mom, I can correct him if it makes you uncomfortable"

"Does it make you?"

"Not at all, I have always considered you a daughter and I will never want to replace your mom, she was my best friend"

"Well I think if she wanted me to ever consider someone else as my mom it would be you"

She nodded smiling

"I would like it if I considered you as mom but it might take me a while to call you that. If that's okay"

"I would love that"

I knew my mom would be happy watching down on me right now, she would want me to be happy and I am. 

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