I walk down the streets alone, always having lived in this town and knowing it's safe. Looking up at the stars, I wonder how many there are, though know it's to many to count.

As I continue to walk, I hear some footsteps.
'Must be that guy I met last night, he was in this area.' Turning around, I look to where the footsteps were coming from and see a strange guy... who looks similar to my favorite YouTuber. Rolling my eyes, I turn around and continue to walk home. The footsteps are approaching faster, so I start to run, not trusting this stranger. All of a sudden, I trip and go flying to the ground.

"Ow." I grown, rubbing my head. I hear the footsteps stop right next to me and freeze. Looking up slowly, I see him, Mark Fischback.

"And who might you be?" He puts his hand out to help me up.

"I'm (Y/N), I'm a huge fan!" Standing up, I look at him, then notice something off. "You're not Mark..." My eyes widen in fear and I scream "Somebody, help me! Please!" but he covers my mouth.

"Now, now, we don't want to ruin someone's night, do we?" I nod my head, frantically squirming to get out of his hold. "Maybe I should teach you some manners then."

Next thing I know, there is a bag over my head and I'm thrown in a trunk of a car. 'And I thought I was going to get home to feed Jake tonight... OH GOD, JAKE! I hope Annie comes over so she can feed the poor pup.' I kick everything I can, trying to get someone's attention.

@@@@@@ Time skip@@@@

Over five hours later, I feel the car stop. I had stopped kicking a while ago. Soon as the trunk opens, I kick out, but miss. He grabs me and stands me up.

"Well, (Y/N), I guess it's time you learn who I am." He pulls the bag off my head. "I'm Dark, and I've seen you for a while now."

If I continue this there will be a part two and it would be called 12: part 2

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