Here is Why I Love Jesus(Isa) peace and blessings of allah be upon him!

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From a distance, you notice his aura, piercing, brilliant and engaging. The choicest Praise and Mercy of Allāh be upon him. The Anointed one - Al-Maseeh, Jesus, son of Mary was flesh and blood. Human. The Proclaimed Word of God.

I can picture him, ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) - Praise and Mercy of Allāh be sent to him, from the detailed descriptions provided about him in our sacred texts.

He, ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him), is of average height. Not too tall that he stands out in a crowd, nor too short that you notice a disparity between him and others. Gentleness and modesty define his character. When he spoke, the disciples paid heed. The words he chose, of course, where divinely inspired and concurrent to all that they knew.

A flowing head of hair that settle upon his shoulder-blades distinguishing him from others. From a distance, you would mistakenly suppose that his hair was wet and that drops of water were beading off it. They are in fact pearls dropping from his hair whenever he bows his head slightly to acknowledge those who recognize him.

From a young age, really young age, something about him was different to all other male children born into this world - he never cried. Rather, he spoke with intelligent fluency and cognitive wisdom from the moment he entered life.

As his mother, the Pure Virgin, Maryum alihas-Salaam- Peace of Allāh be upon her, stood in prayer in an inner sanctum of the Jerusalem temple, the angel Jibreel came to her in the form of a man. With unwavering devotion and certainty of faith, she asked in the Name of the Most Merciful the man to do her no harm. He explained that he was an emissary sent from High Above to bid her good tidings.

Mary or Maryum was protected from birth by Allāh, in honor of her mother's supplication and intention to place her unborn child in the service of the Al-Mighty. Mary grew up to become the Chosen Woman. She would converse with the angels who would pray to the Al-Mighty along with her and bring her gifts from High Above.

Mary, you will carry a child. A child destined to become a manifest Sign unto humanity.

How? When? Why? I have been with no man. How can this be?

The likeness of the immaculate virginal conception of Jesus by his mother Mary is similar to the initial creation of humanity through Adam. In fact, the creation of Adam is more astounding. Adam, ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) - Praise and Mercy of Allāh be upon him, was brought into life from clay.

Be. The Word of Allāh.

Be and it is.

Mary, you are now heavy with the weight of a pure, male child, The WORD of Allāh.

Jesus always taught the Word of Allāh. Before receiving the Gospel, at a young prepubescent age, Jesus would teach the Torah to the Rabbis he encountered.

Jesus ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him), is a blessing wherever he is. Food that was sufficient for 10 would, through Allāh's blessing provided in honor of Jesus, amplify to feed hundreds, if not thousands. Jesus, ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) - Praise and Mercy of Allāh be sent to him, with the power given to him by Allāh, would mold the shape of a bird out of clay and breathe on it and it would come alive!

Word quickly began to spread that a new teacher had arrived. The Children of Israel were accustomed to Prophets and Messengers. Allāh would send a multiplicity of prophets "peace be upon all of them" to Bani Israel. Zakariya and Yahya " my namesake, more commonly known as John the Baptist along with Jesus and others, all were Prophet's of the Al Mighty.

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