27: wandering hands and outbursts.

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What could possibly be worse? Not hearing back from your boyfriend after leaving a rather long rambled voicemail, or getting an email from your boss cutting your holidays short?

Instead of going back to work next week I'm going back today, it's now Wednesday and I haven't heard back from Harry either. I left him a voicemail on Monday when I was in the cafe, I don't regret it but I wish I rehearsed it more as I ended up stuttering and adding unnecessary vocabulary.

He hasn't reached out to me once, and Lynn hasn't seen him either. I waited last night at the cafe in case he showed up, but as I expected nothing, not a single sign of him. He's probably angry at me for allowing him to cause a scene like that, or just for showing up in the first place when I should've known better. Either way, at least he could've just responded by telling me why I'm being treated this way. It's better than overthinking every possibility.

I was in my pencil skirt that ended at my knees and a white blouse that felt too tight around my chest. I contemplated on my shoes, if I wear heels I could fall over outside and land in a puddle, but if I wore flats I'd look stupid in my office get up. So heels it is.

The taxi ride to work was quick even though the entire way here I silently prayed to freeze time and allow me more some extra few minutes of nap time. The building felt so foreign to me after being away for almost three weeks, but at the same time I was happy to be back and earning money. I smiled politely to Chloe at the front desk, earning a yawn and a wave as she finished typing on her computer. I have no idea what today holds for me, but with my phone on loud and not a single message pinging through once, I knew my day would be utterly terrible.

My non smiley self sat down at my desk, pushing my thick jacket off and hanging it on the back of my black spiny chair before pushing myself closer to the desk to focus on whatever the boss man lay out for me. My phone sat next to the desk phone that connected with the boss' phone in his office.

Luna, I need you to enrol the new employees into the machine and double check the payslips for employees too. Also, after lunch I need you in my office. - A.

I sighed dramatically staring at the computer screen, seven new members of staff have to be put into the system and I'd need to find them to sign some sheets of paper at some point also. One final glance to my phone that held zero messages I finally got on with my work...


One o'clock rolled around faster than I realised, I hadn't even finished checking the payslips before I was called into the boss' office. "Hi sir."

"Good afternoon Luna," he smiled warmly, nodding for me to sit in front of his desk. I folded my hands in my lap and patiently tapped my foot as he finished typing something into his laptop. "So how was your holidays, sorry they were cut short."

"It's fine," I smiled forcefully, the stench of cigarettes filling my nostrils as I leaned forward slightly. "I had a nice holiday thank you, yours?"

"Well my wife divorced me, so I guess it was a happy holiday," he replied bitterly, I felt my eyes bulge out their sockets at the new information. No wonder he's so cranky. His wife was a bit of a bitch though.

"I'm so sorry —"

"Don't be, I'm glad."

"Glad?" I frowned, if he was so glad to be divorced why did he seem so grouchy?

"Yes glad," he repeated, standing up and circling around his desk until he was in front of me. He leaned back so he could stare down at me, and suddenly I felt rather uncomfortable under his intense gaze. I felt like his gaze was heavy upon my body as he watched me like a hawk, his beady eyes taking in my entire stance as I slowly rose to my feet. "Did you do something different with your hair?" He asked, reaching out to twirl a single strand of black hair around his thick fingers. I didn't have the same feeling I would've had if those fingers with Harry's, it felt dirty this time. I took a step back and smiled cautiously.

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