obtaining a homecoming date

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warning; kinda sappy

i've been spending a lot of time with a boy, and i've grown to really like him in a way more than i like the rest of my friends. he's really sweet, and really cute. i love spending time with him because he makes me feel special, and we get along easily. he's always full of fun stories and jokes, and he seems genuinely interested in whatever i have to say.

he constantly gives me gifts and whenever we're together his arm is around me. he gives really soft hugs and he's emits a comfortable warmth (sorry that sounds a bit weird). i think that he's adorable, and i'd love to ask him out or something, but i'm really afraid he'll turn me down.

today, he invited me to dinner at this cool asian cuisine place, with one of his friends and one of mine. after that, he took me to starbucks (lol) and said he wanted us to share a drink. he bought be some yummy vanilla thing i don't remember the name of and we shared a straw!!1!1! (crazy, i know)

anyway, to me, it sort of feels like maybe i have a chance with him? he flirts other girls, but he always puts me before them. i don't know if asking him out and being rejected is worth the humiliation or heartbreak, but i'm tired of this in-between thing. i want to call him mine, you know?

homecoming is in a couple months, and i really want to go with him, but i doubt he'll ask me. should i ask him instead? or ask him out in general?? or?? idk?? help?? i need advice??

thanks :)

pls read my books i'm desperate for someone's attention

HEY BTW TURNS OUT HE IS AN ABSUIVE FUCK (we went to homecoming and almost sweetheart and he was pretty hurtful)

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