A Romantic Day With Him

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Tomika's POV
So today i was sitting on my bed when i heard my phone rings so i picked it up and and answer it."TOMMIIIKAAAAAA!!" Liam shouted in my ears and idk why on earth he looks very happy."What!!?!!!?!" i make a very ridiculous expression in my bed as i shout."Sorry little Tomika." Liam send me a pic of him on a puppy eyes."Ugh!" i rolled my eyes at him,the reason i love him so much cuz of his acts.

"Look baby i wanted you to meet me on the restaurant near  Welderfeed street by 8:00am see you!" then i was going ask him why but he hang it up."That little..." i just said to myself so i get up in my bed,brush my teeth,take a bath and change clothes and went off."Hey Tomika!" my brother called me."What!" i asked."Where you going?" he asked me while he eats his breakfast."To Liam ok." then i rushly went out and shut the gate of our house.

By the time i was almost near the resto a bunch of waiters hand me over a bouquet of flowers one by one then a guy lead me on my way i was like what the heck is going on? then when i entered the resto i saw a bunch of people they were like covering someone from their backs then they started singing.After a bit while a familiar voice joined in.

"I love you more than anything..." Liam sing as he played a guitar i was shocked and happy at the same time when i saw him."Aww!" i just covered my mouth with the boquet of flowers that the waiters hand me."Aww! baby is this for me?" i asked."Of course not!" he smirked."What!?" i exclaimed."No! no! no! it's yours ok? don't you remember it's our monthsary today!" he smiled at me."Oh yeah sorry baby i forgot." i said with the tone of my voice saying sorry."It's ok baby the important is we are here celebrating." he hugged me then we looked at each other were about to kiss but i put my hand in the middle of our lips."Why?" he asked."What did i say?" i said as he smirked."We can't kiss until we are married,and i can only kiss you on the forehead and on the cheeks." he sounded a little disapointed."That's right,look don't be sad here you can gave me a quick kiss on the lips JUST QUICK!" i pointed my finger up as i told him."Yes!" he exclaimed then everyone chanted "KISS! KISS! KISS!" then...

We kissed...😘

"That was amazing." Liam said as he smiled."Yes but no more." i replied."Your the most sweetest! cutest! and the most gorgeous girlfriend i ever had!" Liam said in a very sweet tone then we hugged each other."Love you baby.." he looked at me."Love you too baby.." i replied smiling at his handsome face.

"Here's my gift for my little Tomika." he hand me over a small box,then when i opened it i saw a ring with an infinity sign in it."This ring's infinity sign means that i love you for internity and that no one can ever replace my love for you." Liam said then he tooked out the ring and put it on my ring finger."Aww so sweet baby i'm so sorry if i really forgot about it how about we go on a date later?" i said."No baby,you actually gave me the best gift ever!" he exclaimed happily.

"What is it?" i wondered."The kiss." i blushed then giggled."Happy monthsary baby." Liam kissed me on the forehead."Happy monthsary too baby.." i replied.Liam take me somewhere,and when we're near the place he ask me to wear a blindfold."Seriously Liam where are we?" i asked."Just wait.." then after a few moments he unblindfolded me i saw a beautiful surrounding by the lake side."Do you like it?" he asked."Are you crazy! of course i am!" i exclaimed."So since you love the place..Let's play i'll catch you." i agreed then he started counting up to 10 when he's finished he run after me."SUCH A FAST RUNNER!" i shouted."I KNOW!" he replied shouting not even 5 minutes he catch me then when he catched me he spin me around carrying me in my waist.

Then when the sun is about to go down we sit near the lake,we both look as the sun go down,i rest my head in Liam's shoulder.As the sun is completely down we both lay on the grass and look at the beautiful stars above it wad such an amazing day with Liam today."Love you baby." he said."Love you too baby." he replied back he take my hand and look at the ring."I promise you that no matter what happened i'm always here,you can always count on me,i will give you everything if it's for our love's sake no matter how expensive or even a money can't buy it also you'd never walk alone i'm always here beside you." he kissed my hand."Liam, you know what your the best boyfriend ever i'm blessed that i met a guy like you." i said as i rest my head in hus chest."And i'm lucky to have you." he pinched my cheeks."What did i say bout pinchies?" i smirked."It's our monthsary." he totally got me there."Ugh fine! but just today!" i rolled my eyes but that means i'm a little annoyed.

Then when the fireworks blows up in the sky we both stared at each other's eyes..

Then i slowy fall into his deep spell...


We kissed,but now our kiss lasted for a long amount of time."Liam.." i blushed a little."Yeah baby?" he asked."That was pretty awesome." i said as he fixed my hair to the side."Baby how about a ride home?" he held my hand to the car."This day was amazing! thanks a lot baby." i hugged him."Welcome baby." he replied.

Ahh! OMG! i just love my BF so much he's like a dream of every girl! and the lucky girl that he had picked is me! AHHHH!!

Wait...I was overreacting so much i guess i was forgetting something...

My friends..How can i fix this myself..

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