Life without Him

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#Imagine..."I REALLY HATE YOU,NIALL HORAN!",you shouted.A lot of thoughts were running in your mind saying that Niall was cheating on you.

"I HATE YOU MORE,(Y/N)!",shouted Niall,slamming the wall with his hand.Those words crashed in your mind and heart.</3

You realized how much he hates you."Niall,you better leave this house right now!",you yelled back.He just gave you a glance and ran upstairs.

You still love him,but you want him to leave your house and break the relationship.A few minutes later,he came back with a backpack in his arms.

He walked outside,stepped in the middle of the street, and turned around to see you.Tears were running in your cheeks,just like him.

"(Y/N)...I still love you.",said Niall.After saying that,two blinding lights and a loud horn passed quickly.You saw a figure flying rapidly as your tears were making your vision blurry.

"NIALL!!!!",you screamed,running to the body.You tried screaming out your lungs,your voice is lost,you feel your world falling apart.No words can come out of your mouth,just sobs.

You walked to the body and saw a river of blood running around Niall's body.You feel your knees and feet go weak.You couldn't help,but bend beside him.

Your thumbs traced his cheeks,it looks like he's resting in peace,your tears fell in his rosy cheeks,you knew he was in a better place,but you miss him.

"Why did I let you leave like this?",you cried and squeezed his hand.You quickly took your phone,called 911,and explained everything.

After waiting a few minutes,an ambulance came and some officers.Some paramedics removed Niall's lifeless body and put it in a bed.

"Miss,we know how you feel,but we'll try our best to find out who was the driver that hit Mr.Horan.",

said a man officer to you while a woman officer was rubbing your back.

"Ok,thank you so much!",you said,tears flowing.When you saw Niall in the bed,you just shouted back,"I still love you too,Niall!"Then,they put in the ambulance."Try to keep calm and stay in your house until everything's fixed!",said the woman


Then,everyone left,and now,you were alone.You sat in the couch,thinking about him.With tears in your eyes,you wiped them away,remembering that Niall comforted you and not forgot to see his beautiful princess smile again.

You slowly grabbed a photo of you and Niall.All the memories ran through your mind,but it came to an end when Niall left.Remembering this,you bursted out crying again while the flashback was showing again Niall saying those last words:

"(Y/N)...I still love you!" and figuring out how will be life without him...

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