The Big Date?

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I wake up in the morning snuggled against Jace's chest, I glance at the clock on the table and I see that it's 8:00 to early to get up. I don't need this right now it's Saturday and I have training with Jace today, he's been really on edge since I told him about what I over heard Adam and Chloe talking about. It's been 4 days since then including today and since then Jace said we had to attend school everyday even if we are Seniors, because he thinks that schools safe that they won't try anything at school, so since Wednesday we've been present for school all day we have also went on a date every night since then. Jace also insisted that I start training again, I agreed because I don't want what happened with Adam to happen again. I look at the clock again and see that it's 8:30 almost time to get up for training well Jace said if I was up before him to just wake him up. I don't even bother trying to be nice about waking up Jace because I learned being nice while waking up Jace takes you forever, so I just push Jace off the bed, he lands on the floor with a thud and lets out a string of profanity. After he picks himself off the floor he screams "WHAT THE FUCK KATE! WHY THE HELL DID YOU PUSH ME OFF THE BED?!" I scream back "I PUSHED YOU OFF THE FUCKING BED BECAUSE IF I WOULD HAVE TRIED TO WAKE YOU UP NICELY THE WHOLE MORNING WOULD'VE PASSED BY THE TIME YOU GOT UP AND MY TRAINING IS SUPPOSED TO START TODAY!" Jace looks at me like he can't believe I just yelled back at him, Lizzie being her speaks through me saying "You'd better get used to the yelling because Kate and me don't appreciate being yelled at mate or not." after she says this she releases control back to me and Jace looks at me but the look in his eyes, he looks like he just won the lottery. Before I can ask him what the look is for he says "Kate you're everything I wished my mate would be your so strong, and your stubborn, you put me in my place when I try to argue, I love you Kate bitch tendencies and all." I stand there shocked I can't believe Jace just told me he loved me, I've been imaging him saying those words to ever since I started to have a crush on him. I guess I'm silent for a long time because Jace says "If you aren't ready to say it back that's fine I just wanted you to know how I felt." I stare into his eyes and say "I love you too Jace you are everything I could ever want in a mate you love me, you get possessive when I'm around other guys I mean you almost threw Mike Hills across the hall for saying hi to me I thought that was pretty hot, you also accept my bitch tendencies, I'll try not to yell at you but I can make no promises." This is it I have to decided that after tonight's date I'm going to tell Jace I'm ready for us to complete the mating bond because I am, I want to be one with him, to be his and for him to be mine. For now though I just get off the bed walk in front of Jace and pull him to me kissing him passionately on the lips. I pull away and say "I'm going to get dressed for training and then after we'll grab breakfast." Jace nods his head saying ok and pulls me in for one last kiss and then opens the door of his room so I can walk out. Once inside my room I pick out a pair of black shorts and a red tank then I run to the bathroom and put my hair in a ponytail and brush my teeth real quick. I know it's gonna taste gross to have the mint taste in my mouth and then eat breakfast but I can't kiss my mate like I want to if I have morning breath a kiss on the lips is different from how I plan to kiss him. I walk down stairs to the kitchen and almost stop in my tracks I see my mate in the kitchen cooking. I stand in the doorway for a little bit watching him, I can't believe my mate can cook. After standing in the doorway for like a minute Jace finally looks up a notices me, he gives me a smile and says "Yes I can cook, but don't get used to it when you become Luna it will be your job to cook." I walk into the kitchen and stand beside him and push him out of the way from the eggs so I can finish them and say "How about we share the responsibility?" Jace smiles at me and says "I think that's a great idea but only when we're making breakfast in front of each other because around the other members of the pack I have to keep my reputation." Just as Jace says this Danny and Matt walk into the kitchen seeing Jace making pancakes. Danny cracks up laughing and says "Dude you must be totally whipped by my sis if you let her talk you into helping her with breakfast." Jace gives me a pleading look that says please play along and then he says "Yeah I'm totally whipped why else would I be in the kitchen cooking." I finish the eggs putting them onto two plates and say "Yeah my man is totally whipped by all of this." as I say this I run my hand down my body. Jace lets out a growl, Matt makes a squealing noise, and Danny makes a gagging noise and says "That's just gross I didn't need to see or hear that." Matt pats his head soothingly and says "Did you know your sister acts the same way when you say things about our "activities" in the bedroom" Danny's face brightens with embarrassment to what Matt just said, I mean it's pretty funny he said "our "activities" in the bedroom" I mean of all the things he could've said about Danny and his sex life. I start laughing at Danny's expression and so does Jace, I mean how could you not laugh. My Matty Boo has some issues, he doesn't think before he talks, but I still love him. Once I start on the bacon Jace finishes the pancakes, he puts two pancakes on each of the plates I set out and after that I finish the bacon and put it onto the plates too. Matt and Danny start to look at our food like they're thinking of stealing it so I say "You two better not steal that food or I'll show all the embarrassing pictures I have of each of you to Jace." I knew they wouldn't care if I said i'd it to each other but they would if I was showing it to Jace. They back off right away after I say this and me and Jace start to walk out of the kitchen with our food but I scream back at the guys that if they want breakfast they can make it themselves. Me and Jace eat breakfast in silence every once in awhile meeting each others gaze. Once we're both done and our dishes are clean Jace and me head outside to begin my training. "Block!" "I said Block!" Jace has been screaming orders at me during training and also taunting me I know this is how it's supposed to be him being emotion less and just telling me orders and pretending to be my enemy but I still hate it. Jace finally ends practice but not before he comments on my lack of commitment, is he fucking serious I am committed I just don't happen to like him screaming orders at me and taunting me. I tell him exactly that and Jace says "I can't go easy on you as much as it kills me inside to yell at you and taunt you I have to do it because when you face an enemy they won't be nice they'll try to get inside your head and if they do you'll lose and I don't want that to happen." I grab Jace and kiss him fiercely on the lips and he returns my intensity ten fold I push Jace and he falls to the ground with me on top of him, I very much like this position. Jace flips us so he's now on top and then breaks the kiss I let out a whimper and Jace says "Do you really want us to have our first time right out here where anyone could just walk in on us?" I shake my head, he's right that would be terrible if someone just walked in on our first time. I say to Jace "But think about how funny the persons face would look like if they did." we both laugh and Jace picks himself off the ground pulling me up along with him. I run inside to go start getting ready for our date, I take a shower, I pick out an outfit deciding on black jeans, and purple v-neck top, and then I slip on my black converse because to me no outfit is complete without them. I hear I noise outside and I hear growls, what's going on out there? I run down the stairs and outside to see wolves fighting other wolves but I can't tell which is my pack and which is the enemy until I see one wolf and that's Jace. I feel a presence behind me but before I can even turn around I feel something jab into my neck and I start fading into darkness, I turn around to see who did it and I see Adam with a smile on his face, once he picks me up bridal style I pass out slipping into a dreamless sleep.

Hey sorry that it took me so long to write a new chapter I just couldn't get any ideas. I was going to have Jace and Kate mate(lol I made a funny I just noticed that Kate mate) but that seemed like taking the easy way out so next chapter will be a bit crazy(mostly because of Adam and Chloe). I hope you liked the chapter and I hope my friend doesn't kill me for writing it like this.


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