11 - the almost suicide

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there's this beautiful song that I listened to while writing this, so I'll link it above and tell you when to listen to it cause it goes with the story I think :) it's gonna be like twice throughout the chapter, you don't gotta listen to it but it's cuter and better with it :)

- b x

Linden's POV (finallyyyyy)

Me and Kana arrived in the park where Jackson called us all too. Kana was holding my hand as we walked up to the guys. The only two that weren't there was Bryce and Mikey.

"What's up?" Raegan asked Jackson, while Justin nodded in agreement.

"We gotta do something about Mikey and Bryce," Jackson cut straight to the point.

"Why should we? I mean, they ain't even that close of friends anymore?" Tyler asked Jackson and I nodded in agreement.

"I mean, yeah both Bryce and Mikey have feelings for one another, but Jackson, Bryce isn't even out as gay, fuck he hasn't even properly came out to us, we can't really force them into a relationship," I told him and he shrugged nodding in agreement.

"I understand that, but like, between the both of them, they've been so sad, and it's really bothering me because Mikey is my brother, and Bryce is my best friend," Jackson told us and Kana sighed.

"Okay, let's do it this way and if it doesn't work, we have to deal with it," Kana became to explain her idea for the plan to get Mikey and Bryce together again.

Once our little meeting was over, Jackson left with Raegan and Justin, so me, Kana, Tyler and Evan walked down to my house together.

"What is Mikey's and Bryce's ship name even?" Evan asked us, me and Tyler looked at one another.

"Brikey," we both said at the exact same time. Evan stared at us and I shrugged.

"The supporters picked it, like they picked Lana for me and Kana, and Tyan for you and Tyler," I told Evan, who was utterly confused. One thing about him is, he never usually uses social media.


After an hour of being home with Tyler, Evan and Kana, there was a knock on my front door. I furrowed my eyebrows and opened the door.

Mikey was standing there, upset. I softened my expression when I noticed he had been crying.

"Mikey, what happ-" I didn't finish my sentence as Mikey hugged me, sobbing into my shoulder. Obviously, I hugged him back, trying to calm him down, as I slowly moved us to the living room.

Tyler got Kana and Evan to leave the living room, while he stayed there with me and Mikey.

"Tell me what happened?" I softly spoke to Mikey as he laid his head on my shoulder, and he held Tyler's hand.

"It's been a y-year," Mikey stuttered.

"A year since what Mikey? You gotta talk to us," I said softly, running my hand through his hair.

"Since m-my mom-"

"Mikey, it's okay, it's gonna be okay," Tyler whispered, as he pulled Mikey into a hug, comforting him. I stared at Tyler, who gave me the look to just leave him and Mikey alone, I nodded leaving the room.

In the kitchen, Kana and Evan were confused but I just told them that Mikey was upset and Tyler is dealing with it.

Tyler's POV (cause this chapter is a little bit important so a lotttt of POV's)

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