Chapter 9

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(A/N: I've added a song to this chapter. I'll let you know when to play it. Enjoy~)

The rain had started up again by morning. Lainey sat in the living room, watching TV and waiting for Fawn to meet her. The large raindrops pattered against the windows, making the TV barely audible.

"Good morning," Mom said as she entered the kitchen.

Lainey ignored her.

"How do you feel about returning to school today, honey?"

Lainey grabbed the remote and turned the TV up significantly louder. Mom said something but Lainey couldn't make out what she'd said. She sat down next to Lainey, grabbed the remote and turned the TV off.

"Elaine, look at me."

"I don't want to," Lainey responded, sitting forward with her chin resting on her knuckles.

"Look. At. Me!" Mom demanded.

Lainey slowly turned to face her.

"Understand that I worry about you every time you step out that front door," Mom said, pointing toward the front door. "Even more so nowadays. It scares me not knowing where you are or if you're okay. I can't bear losing you. If I did . . . I don't know what I'd do." Mom attempted to smile, her eyes growing glossy. "If I could, I'd keep you locked up in your room. At least until you turn eighteen. Which I know isn't far from now but --"

"Mom," Lainey interrupted. "Why . . . did you and Dad divorce?"

Lainey's question seemed to have overwhelmed her. It was a question that had been burning at the back of Lainey's mind for years. Mom inhaled deeply, swallowed, and exhaled.

"Why . . . why are you asking me this . . . ?"

Lainey shrugged.

"I want to believe that your antagonism is coming from somewhere. Maybe it has something to do with Dad."

"Antagonism?" Mom responded incredulously. "When have I ever antagonized you?"

Lainey pointed toward the front door.

"Only every time I step through that door."

The doorbell rang.

"We'll talk about this later," Mom whispered, standing and returning to the kitchen.

Lainey grabbed her jacket and met Fawn outside.

"Today is going be the worst day of my life," Lainey said to Fawn as they climbed the steps to Sancova High, the rain steadily beating against their umbrellas. "People are already staring."

"They're staring because you're hot," Fawn teased.

Lainey laughed.

"Yeah, I'm sure."

She felt a solid object hit her lower back. She and Fawn both spun around to see a small stone falling down the wet steps.

"Really?" Fawn yelled to the listless crowd behind them. "You're throwing rocks?"

"Fawn, it's okay," Lainey whispered. "Let's go."

"No, it's not okay," she said to Lainey. Fawn returned her attention to the crowd. "It's not okay," she protested. "Who was the idiot that thought it was okay to throw a rock at her?"

The crowd of students walked past them as if Fawn hadn't said a word, some of them snickering.

"I can't believe somebody had the audacity to throw a rock at you," Fawn said to Lainey. "Are you okay?"

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