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You know when you're totally anticipating something... then it finally happens and you just laugh internally about it? Me too.

I'm in my office with the door closed and I see Aaron and Jennifer walk in the main door. I shake my head and stand up and watch them through the glass and Jennifer sees me and points.

She and Aaron both make their way to my office and I open the door and let them inside.

"Surprised to see you..." I say and sit down in my chair.

"Jennifer said she needed to talk to you, and I have a meeting so I figured I could drop her by." Aaron says, looking around my office, seemingly unimpressed.

"Have to walk her all the way in here?" I mutter and he cuts his eyes at me.

"I'll be back in two hours." He says and leaves the office. He kisses Jennifer before he leaves, making sure I can see.

I point at the door and Jennifer closes it and sits down in the other chair.

"Why are you here?" I ask.

"I couldn't leave things the way we did." She says.

I laugh a little and pull open the top drawer of my desk and pull out a pair of panties and toss them at her, "these are yours." I say.

She catches them and then quickly hides them. "Leah!!"

"What? No one here is looking at us. We mind our own business around here." I say.

She balls them up in her hand and shakes her head, "why'd you have these here?"

"I knew you couldn't stay away." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"Can we talk about yesterday?" She asks.

"Jennifer. Please, can we just skip this? It isn't going to go anywhere. There isn't anything left to discuss! We had sex! You're with Aaron and you aren't leaving him, and plus you'll be going right back home soon. I'm not going to go tell on you, what happened stays between us. So I don't understand what you think we need to talk about?" I sigh, exhausted from the games she plays.

"I just- I'm confused." She says and rubs her forehead.

I shake my head and laugh, about to be super dramatic and a totally smart ass. "You think you're con-" I'm stopped when I see Daria on the other side of the glass door. I motion for her to come in and I stand up and hug her. "I didn't know you were coming by." I say.

She smiles and looks at Jennifer, "I didn't realize you'd have any other visitors. I'm sorry, I can come back..." she says and I shake my head. "Daria, this is Jennifer... Jennifer..." they shake hands and Daria grins.

"You're the famous Jennifer. Finally getting to meet you, I've heard lots of things about you." Daria says.

"Good things I hope." Jen responds, eyeing me.

"Of course. Now I see why she talked about you nonstop, you're stunning." She says.

I sigh and sit down again, "alright, Daria. That's enough. Do you need something?" I ask.

"Uh, not exactly. But it's something we can discuss later." She says.

"Just tell me now... you're already here." I say and shrug.

"I- I really think later would be better." She says and bites her lip.

I squint my eyes at her and step outside of my office with her and close the door. She leans in and whispers, "so... I broke up with the girl. I wanted to see you and you know..."

"Later, call me?" I ask and she nods and glances at Jennifer.

"She's hot, Leah. Is she... into girls? Or just you?" She grins.

"She's not gonna fuck you, get home." I laugh.

Daria grins and kisses my lips quickly, "will she fuck us?" She smirks. I grin and she touches my hand softly, "I'll call you."

I go back into my office and Jennifer immediately says something smart. "You two are pretty close. Who is she?"

I raise my brows, knowing damn well it isn't her place to ask. "Why does that matter?"

"Girlfriend?" She asks, attitude present in her voice.

"Hell no." I laugh.

"She kissed you..." she sasses.

"She also asked me if you'd be down to have a threesome... so." I say and she shuts up.

I sigh and put my head down on my desk. "Jennifer this is a fucking disaster."

"No shit! That's why I want to-"

I cut her off before she can even get started. I've heard it before. "Don't. We aren't talking about anything." I say and she looks at me and shakes her head.

"You're just as stubborn as you've always been." She says and crosses her legs.

"And you're just as annoying as you've always been." I tease, playfully.

She smiles and bites her lip, "take me out. I have one more night before we head back home and I really have missed you."

"Your boyfriend wouldn't like that." I poke.

"Fuck him. You're my best friend. You were my friend before you were anything else. We are always going to have that relationship, Leah." She says.

"Alright, fine. I'll take you out tonight... come to my condo around seven." I sigh, knowing it probably isn't the best idea.

"You sure that's a good idea? It's kind of... private." She says and makes a face.

I laugh and shake my head, "shut up. I'll see you tonight. Don't bring your security, please." I joke, referring to Aaron.

"I won't." She grins.

Jennifer gets up and starts to leave but before she walks out of my office she turns back to me.

"Here." She says and reaches into her purse and tosses her panties back at me.

"What the hell do I need these for?" I laugh.

"I don't have a good explanation as to why I have them in my purse. I'm not taking and chances and making Aaron suspicious of anything. Okay?" She says.

I sigh and shake my head at her, "ridiculous."

"Don't act like you don't want them." She winks and then she leaves my office. She's something else...

My Boyfriend's Sister (PART TWO)Where stories live. Discover now