Chapter 13: I'm not leaving you behind!

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Lucy's POV| "Ow!! That hurt you little shit!!" I yelled as Nightmare Freddy had stabbed me in my arm. " Duh, it was supposed to hurt you dumb Cunt. " He smirked. " Oh now you've done it. COME HERE!!! " I lunged myself at NF and we both went tumbling to the ground. Goldie's POV| I fell to the floor. My body was in serious pain. My skin burned. It felt like my brain was gonna explode at any second. I tried getting up, but it just made the burning pain even worse. "Brother." I cried out as loud as I could before another scream of pain came out. " What's the matter! " He saw the state I was in and instantly went into panic mode. "What happened!?" He sat me up and held me tightly. "I don't know, I just felt a really huge pain course through my body and then I wound up in a serious pain." I managed to get out before I went back to throwing up a black substance. Night's Pov| As soon as I saw the black matter come out of my little brother's mouth. I knew that he was dealing with some serious pain. His face was completely red, he looked about ready to pass out right then and there. Drool was dripping from his mouth. His hair a mess. The Golden Jacket I let him borrow was covered in the black substance. The pants I also let him wear were ripped for some reason. 'He looks kinda cute actually. Wait, what an i thinking!!! This is your little brother for crying out loud!! Plus the fact, he's in serious pain.' I mentally slapped myself and went back into the real world. "Ok I'm gonna try and get you out of here, ok?" I asked Goldie softly. He just nodded his head, not able to use his vocal cords anymore. I lifted him up off the floor. Kicking down what was left of the door. I ran right down the hallway, down the entrance stairs. I kept running down the hallway that lead straight to the exit. I made it to the end of the hall and ended up seeing the Nightmares fighting the Fazbera crew. 'Shit.' I gently set Goldie on the floor. I leaned down and kissed his forehead. "I'll be right back, ok?" He nodded again. I got right back up. Forming a energy ball in my hands. " This is where it ends. " I rushed forward and struck down all of the Nightmares. I stood above all of them a smirk on my face. "Um, who are you?" Lucy asked. " Aw, lucy, you don't even remember your own brother? " I asked. "Night!!?" Her eyes widened. "Yeah. Also here." I snapped my fingers and Goldie appeared in my arms. " Goldie! " Lucy and Freddy gasped. "Is he ok?" Shadow bonnie asked. "Yeah." I placed him in Freddy's arms. " Take care of him. " I started to walk away until i felt a hand grip my arm. I turned to see Goldie standing up, looking at me with fear filled eyes. I turned and hugged him close to me tightly. "I'm sorry but I have to go." " But why? " He was already crying. "               " I whispered in his ear. I kissed his forehead and teleported him and his friends outside. Goldie's Pov| I was completely terrified. 'he left me.' I dropped to my knees. I felt them hugging me. Then the ground stated shacking. I looked up to see the place go up in flames. My eyes widened. "No. Why. Why did you have to leave me. Again." I cried the rest of the way back home. Nothing was right. He was gone. The world was unbalanced. (If you didn't cry, then your a heartless monster)

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