Sunsets and silhouettes

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**Katherine’s POV**

   SMUT CHAPTER         

            Zayn and I wave goodbye to the party as we pull away in the car.

            “Can I change in the back of the car babe?” I turn towards Zayn, patting my dress and then my leather bag which holds a set of clothes for me to change into.

            He nods and glances at me, still smiling a little. I throw the bag back first and then climb through, thumping into the backseat, struggling with my dress. I dig around in the bag until I find a black tank top, really short jean shorts, a dark blue beanie, and some black converse. I glance at Zayn with my hand still in the bag. What the hell I think and grab my maroon lingerie to put on as well. Zayn loves red on me. I strip down to nothing and make sure Zayn isn’t looking before hurriedly pulling on my clothes. I fold the dress as best as I can, smooth my tank top, adjust my shorts, and pulling on the beanie before climbing back into the front seat.

            “You weren’t looking were you?” I kiss his cheek and buckle my seatbelt as he accelerates, hitting the highway that leads to the airport.

            “And if I was?” he glances at me.

            I wink cheekily and blow a kiss at him. He grins and reaches across the seats to place a hand on my thigh, rubbing his thumb along the bare skin. We sit in comfortable silence as he takes us to the airport.


            “Baby I’ll get the bags, leave the dress in the car, go check out the plane I know you want too!” Zayn yells from his position in the trunk, making sure he doesn’t forget anything.

            I giggle, giddy, and run to the plan, hopping up the steps and waving at the pilot as I step inside. “Hi!” I gush and the pilot grins.

            “My name is Josh love, nice to meet you, I was told I was transporting a couple? Correct?”

            “Yes, my boyf- er, husband, is outside” I trip a little over the words.


            “Oh uh, Zayn and Katherine Malik” I shake his hand.

            “Well Mrs. Katherine Malik please feel free to explore the plane, we’ll be taking off shortly” Josh grins and steps out of the aircraft too help Zayn lift the bags up the stairs, there’s only three bags but I guess Zayn is struggling with the stairs. I giggle at the image that pops into my head and walk as dignified as I can past the pilots cabin to the rest of the plane where Zayn and I will be during the flight.

            “This is better than air force one!” I walk around the huge back of the plane. In one area is a huge bed; from the door that leads into this huge area I can see a bathroom clearly in front of me at the other end. I see a mini kitchen, and an area with several comfy chairs and a large flat screen Telly. My eyes sneak over to the bed and I immediately get really nervous. I step farther into the room and almost have a heart attack when the door opens loudly and Zayn comes through.

            “There you are!” He grins and sets the bags by the nightstand that’s next to the bed.

            I smile and twist my hands behind my back. He comes over to me and wraps his arms around my waist, burying his head in my neck. “I’m going to talk to the pilot really quickly,” his tongue flicks against my skin as he licks his lips. “I’ll be back in a minute” he steps away and walks toward the door, turning back, looking me up and down, licking his lips again, “Won’t be long” and then he slips out the door. As soon as the door shuts behind him I go into full panic mode.

What Matters Is Us (Finished but under edit)Where stories live. Discover now