Chapter 41: Foreshadow

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You dash through the bright hallways, rushing tight corners and sprinting your legs in the direction of saftey, wherever that was.

Everything...was silent.

Not even the sound of your heavy breathing, trying so desperatly to catch up to you, could resonate a tone into your ears.

Weaving your way through what seemed like endless hallways, you find yourself in a further state of panic when the sounds of sprinting footsteps were approaching quickly behind. Your neck fell stiff as you ran further into the hallway. Hearing the figure approach to your side, chills ran up and down your spine, letting yourself dance in a state of the unknown untill you finally saw who was running with you.

Genji kept his head foward as he began to sprint faster turning yet another corner in the maze of hallways. His emotions terrified as he tried so desperatly to escape the facility.

He didn't even acknowledge your was almost like you weren't there to him, you hadn't existed.

Trying to speak and call out his name, it too had fell silent like everything else to you. You could feel your lips moving, opening and forming the words but, you could not make a sound.

Turning the same corner, the exit stood big and tall with doors wide open. Genji stood dead center of the doors with your escape airship clearly visible and ready to get you out of the trap...

Somehow, you couldn't acknowledge your happiness, your state of relief. As your feet made their way to grace, it was just your bountifull fear crowding the edges of your mind.

In the same momentum, you keep running around the corner almost making yourself trip but, catching yourself mid-slip and using your already moving feet to elevate your body back to its sprinting nature.

Falling further into your undeniable feeling of dismay, you could feel tiny tapping on the back of your head from multiple different...creatures. You couldn't make out what they were, they kept themselves to there space but, you knew that there were alot of them. They crawled up and down your neck and onto the back of your head slowly making their way to your ears...

They began to scratch at the holes of your ears however, you couldn't feel it, just the sound of it getting louder and louder. Making a build up in your ear as your breathing became more heavy and shaky as your legs started to wobble when you ran.

Genji turned to look at you and began to extend a hand in your direction, as if to try to reach out to you and save you but he couldn't move a muscle, he was stuck in place.

As the scratching gained volume, the intensity in your emotion skyrocketed when simultaniously, you fell entranced by genji's unsettling nature.

The scratches grew louder.

Your movement grew slower.

Genji's emotions felt thicker and heavier.

The entrance felt so close you could almost let the aura of nature surround your body.

Your breathing grew heavier but still, silence was all you could gain from your uncomprehencable exshaustion.

The scratching sound that seemed to last forever, drew to an ubrupt end  when a slim figure of a woman fell from the ceiling and landed on the floor in front of you.

It had almost felt like a tredmill suddenly stopping, your legs weren't cooperating with your body. They had planted themselves in that very spot as you examined the problem around you.

The lights in the bright hallway were cut off as darkness became your only companion in this situation.

Croutching and using her legs as springs, she cushioned her fall. Her being, blocked the view of the silver ninja who never moved a muscle after he outstretched his hand to you, he seemed like a statue.

Your eyes grew in size as the figure  began to rise slowly to her height with her glowing empty eyes shinning bright in the dark hallway.

An overwhelming wave of familarity fell onto the outer portion of your brain leaving a shocking stain that seemed to be seeping its way through the cracks to your subconsious until paralysis consumed your entire body.

Her eyes rised ever so gently.

You had seen her before...

Her eyes had met your stare.

You know where you had seen her before...

Suddenly four red eyes had glowed brighter than her stare on the top of her head, as they began to grow closer together on her face.

Genji without hesitation, had etched your name into your head as he screamed it as loud as possible. Once genji had began the first letter of your name, the figure jolted into action with no sign of stopping.

Performing in quick and sudden movements, she was making her path towards you in the most advanced way possible.

Moving left to right multiple times with insane lunges, she manuvered with inhuman speeds as her lunges launched her body towards yours.


Her face fell inches away from yours...

Everything fell black for only just a moment until you had awoke in a sudden panic with unsteady breathing patterns. It had felt like a rather large weight was just lifted from your torso letting the airways in your body become viable again.

It felt like the woman in your dream had just entered your body waking you up from the nightmare. Her wave of unpredictable decisiveness passed through your body, waking you up in the most startling way possible.

You could feel a drop of sweat roll down your face ever so gently but, it felt so uncomfortable and terrifying as it felt like the untraceable feeling of those creatures crawling on your neck. You wiped it off quickly but, the afterward sensation still sat on your face for a couple of seconds as it left you to wonder....

Will i be ok?

A Dragon's Fire [Genji x Male Reader] Overwatch Fanfic / PART 3Where stories live. Discover now