01 | The One With Shree Prasad

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06th May 2016

The candles in her hand flickered as a soft breeze blew past her. Shree Prasad smiled as she whispered her prayer, soon another strong breeze of wind blew as a form of blessing from the Virgin Mary herself. It was a cool breeze, a soothing one, and above all an assuring one, that guaranteed her that everything will be well.

Shree Prasad opened her eyes "I'd take it as a sign that You've heard my prayer," she said to the Virgin Mary statue as she made the candle stand on the metal stand. "Let's hope I pass today's job interview." Shree whispered a soft Amen.

"I really need this job!" Shree said "And if I don't get this job, I will stop talking to You. I don't want to meet Christian Grey or go on that Europe tour. Get me this job somehow and I swear on Raja's Chaat to visit this Church every week! You know way better than anyone else that my life is gradually turning out to be more of a typical TV soap day by day. See I'm even ranting out all my troubles like a frustrated daughter-in-law, who can't tolerate her mother-in-law! I need this job so badly!"

She thought for a moment about herself.

Shree has served as an English teacher in a Convent School, for almost four years after she completed her degree. As much as Shree loved to binge on her favorite TV soaps, she loved to teach. It was her passion. She believed it was her right as well, but she never imagined even in her wildest dreams that she would have to sacrifice her favourite job one day to make ends meet. She had no choice, especially after her widowed mother retired from her job. The meagre amount Shree earned from her teaching profession was insufficient for the family to survive. Above all, her sister Devi had got into Law College.

Secretary to the Deputy CEO of Ramakrishna Group of Companies. That is the post she had applied for and a wholesome salary would be paid with increments in the future. The salary she believes that will help eke out a living.

"Shree!" came a voice shaking her out of her reverie. Shree turned to find her mother walk towards her, draped in her rose pink sari. "You're getting late child. Come soon. The auto is waiting!"

Shree hurriedly collected her hand bag and her file from the wooden bench.

Shree followed her mother outside the church and past the courtyard.

Mrs. Prasad warned as she pulled Shree's hand as they crossed the road "Be careful! There are puddles everywhere," she said as she pushed Shree into the auto "And I know you don't want to show up to the interview with a muddy-"

Mrs. Prasad's words remained incomplete as a black car splashes mud over her sari. Shree's nostrils flared and she immediately got off the auto despite Mrs. Prasad's insistence.

"Wait for me," Shree replied, and made Mrs. Prasad sit inside the auto, thrusting her bag and file to her hands. "And don't step outside!"

Shree yelled and waved her hands, commanding the car to stop but it was of no use. She did a quick scan on the road and picked up the stone lying next to her feet, and sent it flying towards the black car. The stone hit the bumper of the car and the car screeched to a sudden halt.

A young man wearing a white shirt and black trousers stepped out of the car. He examined the dent on the bumper, and turned his gaze to Shree. He was a stern looking young man, muscular and tanned, as if dipped in gold and dried in the sun. His black hair was neatly combed back. A series of stubborn stubble graced the jutting jaw of his face, which were accentuated by his intense and dominating black eyes.

"Did you just throw something on my brand new car?" he shot as he walked towards her.

"Yes. I did," she answered as she hid her shaking voice underneath her audacious approach. "Do you have a problem?"

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