66: Love and Hate (Part 1)

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Hey everyone! It's been quite a long time, I know. A lot of stuff has happened since I last released a chapter. I've been extremely busy and well; I am very, VERY tired. But I won't bore you with all the details. I do want to point out that last chapter ended on a cliff-hanger in which I stated would continue in the 5 year anniversary and it wouldn't continue in this fanfiction. I'm not sure if you all read it so I will leave a link here for you to go read and check out:

I would recommend you check it out, it is a good chapter and it's unique. Now onto this chapter, since it's been a little while since the last chapter, I thought I'd do a two parter storyline which I reckon you will all enjoy.

On with the chapter!

♫ Dean Martin – Let it snow ♫

"I love Christmas!" Harley declared, skipping around the living room and putting up decorations. As Harley skipped excitedly round the room, she bumped in Ivy whom was entering the room with a tray of homemade biscuits. Ivy stumbled and nearly dropped the tray but managed to keep her balance. "Whoops, sorry red!" Harley apologised. "It's okay. Just be careful though baby, I want everything to be perfect" Ivy replied. "I know ya do. It's gonna be a great Christmas this year" Harley grinned. Ivy smiled and nodded in agreement. A few hours later, Harley and Ivy were relaxing in the living room. They sat snuggled up on the sofa watching TV, with Harley's head resting in Ivy's lap. Ivy played with Harley's hair with her fingers as they stared at the TV.

"I wonder what our doubles are doing since we last saw them" Harley said softly. "Probably on a second date" Ivy smiled. "Really?" Harley wondered. "Well we only got them together last week" Ivy replied. "Yeah... They make such a cute couple" Harley cooed. "That's because they are basically us" Ivy told her with a laugh. "Oh yeah" Harley giggled. Ivy chuckled and shook her head slightly before returning her concentration to the TV. A small smile were still plastered on her face.

Birds were heard chirping as Harley slowly opened her eyes. She instantly smiled when she realized what day it was. Harley rolled onto her side and smiled at Ivy. She was fast asleep and looked peaceful and content. Harley scooted slightly closer to her. The movement caused Ivy to mumble slightly and then she rolled onto her side, facing Harley. Now Harley could see all of her lovers face. She smiled. "You have no idea how much I love ya red" Harley said softly. She leaned forward and left a lingering kiss on Ivy's forehead for a few moments before moving back and placing a hand on Ivy's cheek. Ivy stirred and opened her eyes. "Morning red" Harley said softly with a smile. "Morning Harl" Ivy replied, smiling. "Merry Christmas" Harley added. "Merry Christmas baby" Ivy smiled. She then leaned in and placed a kiss Harley's lips.

"Wow! Thank you Christie!" Harley cried, staring at the present she had just opened. She then quickly crawled over and hugged Christie tightly. "It's okay" Christie laughed, hugging her back. The morning was spent with Harley and Ivy opening each other's presents. Then they prepared for the arrival of Christie. "I love Christmas!" Harley said loudly, jumping up and hopping around. Ivy laughed. "I know you do Harl" Ivy revealed. "I never would have guessed" Christie remarked, making Ivy laugh. "I'm so happy to have you here on Christmas sis" Ivy smiled happily. Christie stood up, sat next to Ivy and put an arm round her. "Me too" Christie replied. "I uhm, I need to speak to you later in private. Is that okay?" Christie told Ivy. "Yeah, that's okay" Ivy replied.

Christie stood up and walked over to the window. The snow completely covered the ground. "Red, when's dinner? I'm hungry" Harley said, making Ivy turn to look at her. "Soon Harl" Ivy smiled. Before another word could be said, a low rumble cause the three girls freeze then look at each other. They waited a few moments before a flash of light followed by the sound of thunder made the three of them jump. Ivy and Harley both jumped up and looked at Christie. Christie then looked outside. Flashes of light and rumbles of thunder made outside look more sinister than calm and Christmasy.

"Do you think it's weird that we are getting heavy thunder and lightning in December?" Christie asked, standing at the window. "I'm more worried about how fast the weather changed" Ivy stated, standing next to Christie. "Yeah, I've never seen the weather change so fast" Harley agreed, standing next to Ivy. The three of them stared out the window at the flashing lights and the lightning quickly darting in the sky. The lightning looked different to how it normally looks. In fact, it looked completely different. It even sounded different. Ivy's eyes widened. "Girls, move!" Ivy yelled quickly. All three of them jumped and ducked away from the window as the window suddenly smashed along with a flash of light and a rumble of thunder. "I don't think this is normal thunder and lightning" Harley stated. "Sis, I need you to go out the back door and get into the greenhouse. Go right to the back and hide!" Ivy said urgently. Christie nodded, got up and quickly left the room. "Harl, get to safety" Ivy ordered. "No, we deal with this together" Harley replied. Ivy wanted to argue but she nodded in agreement.

The pair ran out of the house and stopped. The lighting was crawling across the sky really fast, one after the other. Suddenly, Harley and Ivy heard a slightly distorted laugh. A chilling laugh. A laugh coming from a woman, twenty five feet away. As their eyes adjusted, they started to make out some details such as the costume. The woman had short messy black hair. She also wore a black and white costume with some lightning bolts. She had thick black eye liner which covered her entire eye lids. And her eyes were glowing white.

"Who are you?" Ivy called. A twisted smile crept over the woman's face. "Someone who is going to kill you both" she replied coldly. Harley and Ivy jumped out of the way as a lightning bolt struck near where they stood. Harley slowly stood up. Suddenly, a lightning bolt crashed into the ground a few feet from her, knocking her back and to the ground. "Harl!" Ivy yelled. Ivy took a step but jumped as the woman struck with another bolt of lightning. The woman was now much closer to Ivy. Ivy breathed tiredly as she stared at the woman on one knee. "Who are you?!" Ivy demanded. "I am fuelled of rage, I am here for vengeance. I'm here for my love. I am Ace!" The woman replied angrily. As soon as she said her name, a lightning bolt struck the ground in front of Ivy, causing her to fly up in the air a few feet then crash back down. She laid still and unconscious.

Harley slowly got up but then went to a kneeling position. She saw Ivy and her eyes widened. "Red!" Harley screamed. Harley stood up ad took a few steps forward but was knocked down by a flash of light from Ace. She smiled at the two unconscious women. "This is far from over... You will pay, and so will this entire city!" Ace stated darkly, her voice getting darker and more distorted as she spoke. She then rose up from the ground and slowly flew away, leaving Harley and Ivy down and out cold on the ground...

And that is part 1 of this 2 part special. In case you did not know, Ace is an actual character in DC. To learn more about her, search her name (with DC) in Google.

Hoped you all enjoyed this chapter. Post your thoughts in the comments below.

My Wattpad Instagram Account: https://www.instagram.com/jakewales97/?hl=en

Next chapter is titled: 'Love and Hate (Part 2)'. See you all next time!

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