¿hablas español?

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After we'd finished up breakfast and Erika was cleaning up we all crashed out on the sofa and watched some tv. We were watching some boring old Netflix show Chance wanted on. It just dragged on but everyone seemed to be enjoying it. I got restless and got up to get a drink. Emilio joined me in the kitchen.
'That show is rubbish' he declared.
I turned around. ' I'm so glad it's not just me who thinks that' I laughed ' i thought I was gonna fall asleep it was that boring'
'Anyway how's your casts mine is hurting me right now I bet yours worse' he said.
I couldn't help but laugh I had always loved the Martinez broken English, you always knew what they were trying to say but sometimes they couldn't say it.
'si los odio tanto' I said. It meant Yeah I hate them so much. I knew he'd understand that more them English. And anyway I'd been learning French and Spanish back at my old school in Ohio. Personally French is my favourite but I picked them both up quickly.
'¿sabes español?' he replied quickly. Looking confused.

'sí he estado aprendiendo español y francés casi toda mi vida.' I replied. It was true I had been learning Spanish and French almost all my life.

'Ivan ven aquí' he called to Ivan.
Ivan got up and walked out.
'What is it' he asked.
'Talk to Everest' Emilio told him.
'Hello...' He started.
'No stupid in Spanish' Emilio said hitting his head with his palm.
' Oh Hola Everest. Ivan esto es tonto ella no me entiende' he said.
How dare he think I don't understand him.
'por cierto entiendo lo que dices' I said smiling.
Ivan looked at me in shock.
'Wait...what you speak Spanish' he asked his mouth open in awe.
'Yeah and French I've been learning since I was really young and I just seemed to pick it up really fast although my Spanish isn't the best' i said.
'Your better then us when we speak English.' They said.
'I don't think so' I laughed.
'No seriously Everest you're really good, does Jake know' Ivan asked.
'No' I said looking at the ground.
'Why not you can basically speak three languages.' Emilio said.
'I dunno can we just kèp it our secret?'  I asked.
'Yeah sure we'll have to take you to Barcelona some time then you can meet our sister' Emilio said.
'Yeah that would be cool' I laughed.

Alex walked into the kitchen.
'You guys coming to the Grove with us  most of us are going' he asked.
'Yeah' we all said. 
'I need to get dressed though' I said looking down at my jogging bottoms.

'Yeah ok were going in half an hour so be ready by then' he said.
I limped up the stairs and made my way across the landing.
When I heard voices in my room. I knew it was Jake and Logan they had been talking for ages. But I raised Mt hand to knock anyway. Then I heard you name and I couldn't help but listen.
'I can't believe you're letting Everest do this you know how relationships end up round here' Jake Said. 
'I know I know but I can't stop her and anyway she's happy and Alex is a good person nothing bads gonna happen' Logan said.
'Trust me' Jake Said ' Everest and Alex won't last long'

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