Chapter 24

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Lilly's chest heaved as her eyes fluttered open, "No! I'm still here! No!"

Allen had dosed off but awoke to her frantic breathing, "Lilly, Im here calm down." Lilly shook her head as she tried to push him away. She watched as his face turned shocked as she continued to fight him, "Lilly! Calm down." Lilly gritted her teeth as she started to pull her oxygen off and her IV out. Allen's temper was flaring, "What the hell is wrong with you? Your going to hurt yourself. Talk to me!"

Lilly started to sign with fury, "I'm alive! That's what's wrong with me. Why? Why couldn't everyone give me the one thing I asked for? Freedom from this prison of a body."

Allen's chest heaved as he held back tears, "You don't know what your saying."

Lilly continued with a cold glare, "You don't know what it's like. To not be able to run for two minutes, to not get angry or upset and pass out. To not be able to have your own children. The one thing that I want the most, I can't do. Everyone is giving up their happiness to take care of me. I... I just want it to end. I'm so very tired."

Allen went to hug her but she held up her hand to stop him, "But, I love you Lilly."

Lilly closed her eyes as tears feel from them while she shook her head, "No, don't waste it on me."

Luciano stood, "I think she needs her rest."

Lilly turned her cold glare to him and signed, "Get out."

Luciano cut his eyes to Allen, "She said for you to leave,Sir."

Luciano took a step towards her, but Lilly grabbed a drink tray next to her bed and flung it towards both men. A nurse and security came in to see what the commotion was, "Gentlemen, it's time for both of you to leave." The security guard step forward and crossed his arms.

Allen smirked, "We were just leaving." Luciano cut his eyes to Allen and watched as Allen tilted his head towards the doorway a couple of times.

Luciano huffed as he straightened his jacket and followed Allen out, "Do you think she will be ok?"

Allen looked back, "Yeah, it's not like she would run away or anything."

Lilly laid awake as she stared at the ceiling. She counted silently to here self for encouragement, "One, two, three." She heaved off the bed and her feet pattered on the cold floor. Lilly quietly opened her door and peeked down the hall. She could hear voices at the nurse triage but easily made her way to the opposite end to the elevator. She held her breath as she pushed the number for the basement floor. Lilly peeked around the corner and found what she was looking for. The unclaimed area was close right next to the morgue, she sighed at the thought of the bodies inside sleeping for eternity. She envied them as sad as it was to say.

Marcus hugged Vivian around her shoulders as Allen told him what had happened. Vivian covered her mouth to keep her cry from escaping, "I can't believe she would do such a thing. Lilly would never try to kill herself."

Allen could tell the thought was tearing his mother apart, "Luciano said we could go see her when ever we like."

Marcus was in disbelief, "How did you manage that?"

Allen shrugged, "I told him the truth."
Both parents gawk as they waited for him to explain, "I told him how much I love her."

"What?", Vivian lightly grasped her throat for comfort.

Allen took a deep breath, "I do. I love her very much. I would like to marry her."Marcus was silent as he studied his son. Vivian opened her arms and hugged Allen. Allen wasn't sure of his parents reaction, and he wasn't sure how Lilly would act by the next day.

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