Chapter 39

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Cecelia Degrates pov:

"Where did you learn to sing like that?" The young guy asked. " in church mostly." I chuckled nervously. " Mary I need you to come out and meet... what's your name?" He asked turning his head to my direction. "Cece and you?" I answered extending my hands towards him and taking down the headphones. " I'm Sean but everyone calls me puffy." He replied finally gripping my hands. He pulled out his wallet handing me a single fifty dollar bill. " here you go like I said." " thanks." I uttered. Just then I heard the clearing of Devante's throat guess he was signaling me to come with him.  But I waited until Mary came to me. " you were really good back there, I'm Mary."

" I heard." I said grinning in a polite manner. Mary was a dark skin beauty with a sharp nose and blonde bowl cut hair. She looked like she could be related to then Eritreans or even the Ethiopians. Her body shape was just perfect and right for her head shape and all.  Mary j. Blige was a suitable name for her. "

so would you like to be a background singer?" Puffy asked interrupting me and Mary's affair. "Uhh I have to talk to my husband about it but sure I'd love to." I nearly broke my neck to catch a glance of Devante at the moment to see where he was at , he was in a daze "okay let me know." Puffy answered now returning attention back to Mary j blige. I walked towards Devante he pointed his head towards the men's restroom. " I'm not going in there!" I scoffed.

But then he picked me up carrying me there anyways. He placed me on the bathroom sink. "What's going on?"' I was very concerned at the moment at least by this behavior that wasn't familiar. His eyes were blood shot red and he smelled like something he didn't leave the apartment with. " you smell so good Cece and your so cute I want you to have my babies."

He whispered randomly. Okay he's high. I had just come to the realization. But when did he start smoking?. I've missed out on a lot when I didn't come to Brooklyn immediately. "Not here okay?" I said softly to de he then began laughing. He was trying to get a quickie as they would say in a men's bathroom.  I hope he didn't think I was boring because I feel uncomfortable doing intimate things in public places. " hey that's okay that's okay." His voice deepened and he stared off to outer space. How could someone being dumbfounded look so good. "Well come on let's get you back in the studio." I gestured for him to go back to his studio where he was working. Sometimes Devante could be like a little kid and in this instance he was.

I opened the door to see all the guys lazily slouched in chairs smoking marijuana I coughed inhaling some of it then waving my hands to get it out my Perephial vision. A light skin guy who had a fade was sitting by the board he had a deep unibrow but he looked very familiar like I've seen him on tv before. " Devante you can let go of me now." Devante then burried his face into my chest. " I don't wanna go." He whined his voice was so deep that it vibrated through my whole body.

I pushed him off pointing to the opposite direction of the room "go." He lazily got off of me and went to the unknown guy.   " what's up Al?" He asked. " what's up De?" They both dapped up then proceeded to work on some stuff. "Let's add so you having my baby." Al suggested. Who's having a baby? Devante stood there stuck " uhh who's having a baby?" " my girl Kim." He confirmed. "Oh well congratulations! I have a son his name is Justin so I know how it must feel." De said sentimental like. 

" oh word? He up here with you and your wife." Hello I'm still here. " nah he's back down home with his mom." He explained. In this moment jealousy arised in me all the flashbacks to when we were at the cookout and Mj was sashaying around me rocking Justin around or how she forbade Devante to let me hold him because I was just a random hoe despite me being a long time girlfriend and  now wife. It haunted me every where I went.

" I can tell you not from here!" Mary said laughing. " hmm really?"
" yeah you can't miss it. Do y'all eat biscuits and gravy In North Carolina?"
She asked with an amused look on her countenance. "You might be talking about Alabama." I howled. " come on let's go to the mall." She said turning into the store department. "So you and Devante are married?" " yeah we are are married that's my boo." I sighed.
" I didn't even know that nigga talk let alone has a whole wife." She explained looking at me surprised. " he talks he just has to warm up to you, when I first met he was like real mysterious and quiet." I told Mary and she continued to hum listening to me. We were looking at clothes in a department store she took out a black leather jacket displaying it in front of me. " what you think about this jacket?" She asked. " you were a lot of black, but it's cute." I replied. " well you can't go wrong with black it goes with everything." She joked. I'd have to disagree with that. 
"You left school to come here?" She marveled in disbelief. "Well... yeah I didn't want to leave but my husband was up here." I explained in the  best way possible. " I don't have any education outside of 10th and 11th grade wish I would've took it more serious though." She said shrugging her shoulders going into deep thought. " what were you studying?" " I was majoring in music performances." I said shyly." " okayyy." She said smiling. " go on with your bad self." She continued grinning. " you had us thinking you were an amateur but you went to school for it!" She boasted like she discovered something new. " well hello I didn't stay long enough to get my degree." I had to bring that up to her attention. "So I am an amateur." I explained. " not singing like that." She argued. " whatever you say Mary." I sighed. "Mhmm." She mumbled still grinning a little. From then me and Mary Formed a friendship and I would try my hardest to make it to rehearsals.

I sat in the living room of the apartment me and the boys shared. The phone ringed so I picked it up seeing no one else was there. " hello Donald." The voice said . I knew it was Mj. " this isn't Donald but you can leave a message." I replied. " oh hey sis!" She said fakly. Sis ? Since when? " hey Mj." I answered blandly. " can you give the phone t-" " he's not here, but you can leave a message." By this time I was rolling my eyes. " look who's grown some back bone. You not letting hoes stepping all over you huh?" If by hoes you mean you then yes. I thought.  " do you have a message or no and if this isn't related to Justin stop calling." I finally spoke up. " your jealous." I could hear her smirking on the other end of the line. " what?" " you heard me your jealous cause I had his baby and you didn't, he'll always be associated with me and you hate that." She snickered she was kind of getting to me but I wouldn't back down.  " I'm not jealous of you h... Mj. And your not slick if it has nothing to do with Justin stop calling you need to respect that I am the wife." I said. Finally hanging up the phone and sitting back in the sofa. Devante walked in with all the guys behind him he seemed a lot more sober now. " what is it? " he asked alertly seeing that I gave him an uneasy look. " Mj called." I said then he knew what was up. " oh what she say?" "Nothing important I told her to stop calling if it had nothing to do with your son."
He searched my face then shrugged. " cool." " wait your not mad?" I asked in a surprising manner. " no I was waiting for you to come around there's not so much I can keep telling her to stop calling unless it's about Justin, but you're my wife and she needs to respect that." What was on his mind just flew out perfectly. " right." I said absentmindedly. " also when were you going to tell me you made a friend?" He smiled questioning me. " oh you mean Mary ." I chuckled. " she's a nice person." I carried on. " I thought you did not wanna be in the music industry?" He asked. " well it's not that but Mary heard me and she liked my vocals so I said sure why not?" I said moving my hands around. " well good guess I want have to leave you home you'll be on tour with us all." He celebrated. " okay." I squealed excitedly he then brought me into a hug.
I was getting use to life in Brooklyn and friends I was making but most of all I cherished being a wife.

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