Chapter 9- Stay?

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Shawn's POV

I sat there on the floor of the hallway, not knowing what to do. Everyone was trying to talk to me. Some were yelling, some were trying to see if I was okay, some asking what happened. Except for Marie. She sat on the opposite side of the hallway from me. We were just staring at each other, deep in thought. I thought in a situation like this, she'd be scowling at me. But she wasn't. She wasn't even mad. I could see from the way she was looking at me she just wasn't happy with the situation. She should be furious at me, but she's not.

I couldn't help but replay what happened in my head.

"So what happened between you and Carter?" I couldn't help but ask.

A few tears escaped her eyes.

I wiped them away with my thumb and cupped her face in my hand.

She started to stutter. "H-he... Carter kissed me."

She cheated on me? Why would she do that?

I removed my hand from her face. "You cheated on me? I thought-"

She cut me off. "No! No I would never cheat on you. I know it seems like it but I didn't kiss him back. He had me pinned against the wall and I tried to push him off. I tried to get away before he even got too close to me but I couldn't. He pushed me back and kissed me. Shawn I'm sorry! I swear I didn't kiss him back and I tried my hardest to get away!"

I knew she was telling the truth. She wouldn't lie to me. It was stupid of me to even think that she would've cheated on me.

I nodded, letting her know I believed her.

She knew me well enough to know I needed a little space when I was mad. I have a very bad temper, and when it comes to her I do stupid things. I swear this girl will be the death of me.

I clenched my fists and stood up off the bed. I started pacing back and forth across the room. I kept thinking about it more and more and that just made it worse.

I knew from the day we got here and went to the pool that it was gonna be a bad idea to have her here. At first I thought that having her around 9 other guys was gonna be bad because they would all try something with her. But then when I saw Carter checking Marie out in her bikini, I knew this was gonna be bad. I should've protected her better. She said there was nothing I could've done, but I could've not let her go to the room with him. I knew something bad was gonna happen, but I trusted that she wouldn't let anything happen. I should've known that it wasn't just about trust. Carter was stronger than Marie, so trust had nothing to do with it. If I didn't trust him, I shouldn't have let her go with him. This was all my fault.

I was mad at myself and Carter. I felt like steam was going to come out of my ears at any moment. I couldn't take this anymore. Just pacing back and forth like an idiot wasn't gonna help anything. I had to do something.

"Shawn", she whispered.

I looked up and met her eyes. I just glared at her. I wasn't mad at her, but it probably came off that way.

I walked to the door and opened it.

I heard Marie yell, "Shawn stop!" before I opened the door and slammed it behind me.

I went to the room we were in before and opened the door. It took all of my strength not to go grab Carter by his collar and pull him out the door.

Everyone was staring at me with confused faces because I looked so angry. Except for Carter. He knew exactly what was going on. That's why he looked so scared.

Halos & Duets (A Shawn Mendes Fan Fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant