Chapter 18- Too Turnt Circe

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I drink way too much bourbon and coke aha. Ha. I'm spiralling into alcoholism.

I wrote this on my phone so

Doing a double degree guaranteed a lot of work to do- which was necessary and obvious. I just didn't understand why it had to be so much, and within a small amount of time. 

It was Friday, and I had to go help Nikhil with his manly club, but right now- I was drowning in procrastinated assignments. It was only four days after I had started college too. I had told myself, Circe, this is the time for you to be that productive, prepared girl you have always dreamed of being. College is not the time for procrastination, but motivation and inspiration!

Fat fucking good that talk gave me. And here I now sit, up to my chin in assignments that I was too lazy to finish, with the impending doom of going to Nikhil's class counting down like a clock to Armageddon. Only this Armageddon was the complete destruction of my brain. 


My door slammed open and Nikhil stood in the middle of it, a towel over his broad shoulders as he raised a brow and jerked his head out of the door. I sighed, grabbing my backpack  and shoving an extra bottle of water in it, just in case some member forgot theirs. 

"What's the backpack for?" He murmured, shutting my door behind me and following me. I waved to Maria and Vicky, then pulled the fingers at Erica who was making hearts with her hands. Her brother and I getting it on? Me going for a 5km run would happen before that did. 

I shrugged, "Some things I thought your testosterone club would need. All those steroids might make them a bit forgetful." 

I sped up a bit, just avoiding his hand that went to push me over, pushing my tongue out. "I'll call social services if you touch me."

His gaze stayed on my mouth for a moment longer than normal before he scowled, turning away and striding far ahead of me. "Just hurry up, you're so annoying."

I scoffed, taking a quick picture of his ass with my phone. Glorious, glorious gluteus maximus. He was wearing basketball shorts- the kind that just really fit, and it really was the best look for him. It especially showed off his legs. 

Ugh, I was so going to make it my mission to get laid before these thoughts spiraled out of control. 

We came to the recreational complex and to the affectionately named 'cock block hall', simply because most of the occupants were guys who were too into their own muscles they didn't realise a chick could like someone because of, say, personality. I wasn't one of those girls, but having a personality definitely did help.

Unlike Mr Crude and Bruce over here, who was currently walking up the stairs as if he wasn't carrying hundreds of pounds of muscle up these stairs of fucking death. Although, it did give me a good view of his lower regions- if you know what I'm sayin'. He glanced back, rolling his eyes at my out of breath state, before shrugging his shoulders.
"Maybe you should work out more. "

I huffed, irritation firing through me like a bullet." Maybe you should get a personality and stop being such a little bitch. "

Perfect. Make Nikhil the destroyer angry on your first day of work. Sometimes, my mouth really was too big for my own good. But hey, I wasn't fat- I was just extremely unfit. There was a difference, one that fit people didn't seem to understand. Some individuals just didn't give a fuck about calorie counting, the amount of carbs in the meal or whether today was cardio day or not. Some people were sane, enjoyed fatty food and didn't give a single shit about going for a run.

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