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and till today
she wonders
why she never
dared to strip
her body bare
of the syllables
that coated her
skin .
why she could
never stop hiding
behind the words
that carved her
paper , and for
once show her
grey colours to
the few ears
that listened to
her .
why she writes
about anything
and everything
but herself.
why everytime
she pours only
a drop of her
soul in her ink ,
and slip a tiny
fragment of her
heart into the
chaos that others
call poetry .
she wonders ..
but deep down
she thinks that
maybe just
maybe she's
waiting for
someone who
will care
enough to dig
into her scrawls
, and collect each
drop and every
fragment , to
finally make her
whole once again.
or perhaps she's
afraid that if
she let her reality
sneak into her
writing , the hold
of her pen will
never feel like
before .

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