Chapter Twenty-Three

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Asami's POV

"Miss Sato," Mr. Samuels addressed.  He's my Physics teacher. "Please pay attention."

"Sorry sir," I said as I lowered my head down.  My mind's been in and out of my classes for the for the past two days. Ever since Bolin was hospitalized, I've been worried about Korra.

She's been through a lot, with her dad being in jail and her selfish mother. I was worried about what all the effects everything has on her. 

Once the bell rang, I immediately left the room and looked for her, hoping to find her in places we'd meet before. I checked the cafeteria, our spot at the garden, even at her locker. But she wasn't there. 

I ran through the hallways, passing and shoving through students and teachers alike. Students glared at me, while the teacher tried to catch me, but I didn't care. 

As I was turning around a corner, I bumped into Mako. 

"Mako," I addressed him. 

"Hey Asami," He smiled at me awkwardly, avoiding contact with my eyes. I've been around secretive people long enough to recognize one.

"Mako, do you know where Korra is?" I asked. He scratched the back of his head, contemplating whether to tell me what he knew or not.

"Mako," I pushed further.

He sighed. "Okay. She skipped school today." He confessed. 

I was right. She's hurting. I clutched my chest as a sharp jolt of pain rushed through it. I ignored it and rushed to the exit. I didn't care about anything else. I couldn't give a damn about school, or the responsibilities I had to uphold as a member of the Sato family. 

Korra needed me and I'm not letting her down this time.


I got out of the cab and paid the driver. Although he was constantly glaring at me through the center mirror, I gave him a tip. He must have realized I was skipping school.

I stared at the old wooden structure that was in front of me. How the wood was slowly crumbling and cracking. How there were cobwebs on each corner and how it's color has slowly faded over time.

Once I looked over to the lake, I saw the silhouette of Korra, sitting on the dock. Her legs were hanging from it, as she dipped her feet in the water. She was deep in thought. Though I couldn't clearly tell, I knew her eyes were fixated on the mountain across the lake. She loved that mountain. Though she never told me why.

I walked over to her carefully, but I stepped on a twig and she turned around immediately. She saw me and relaxed,  turning back to the tranquility of the view.

"I didn't see you at school," I said as I sat next to her.

"That's exactly where you should be." She commented. She turned to me and smiled weakly. Trying to mask the pain she was truly in.

"How long have been sitting out here for?" I asked. I noticed how her cheeks were already blood red.  She must have been here for a while.

"I can't remember." She answered.

She stared deeply at the mountain. Not taking her eyes from it.

"When I was younger, my parents took me to this cabin all the time." She told me. Her eyes still fixated on the mountain.

"Here, we fished and camped out. We laughed, danced and told stories to each other." She smiled.

"This place means a lot to me because it holds so many beautiful memories." She said. A small tear escaped her eyes but she wiped it away as quickly as it came. I placed my hand on top of hers.

"Do you know why I love that mountain?" She asked. I shook my head, staring at her and keeping my hand on top of hers.

"My mom told a story that a magical fairy lived there." She laughed quietly. "She said that if I had any problems, I should simply wish to that mountain and the fairy would grant it."

"So whenever I had a problem, I would come to this dock and wish on that mountain. My mom would come immediately and listen to my problems." She continued. Tears flowed down her cheeks but she didn't bother to wipe them.

"She'd listen to my wishes and try to grant them, by simply talking to me, on this dock." Her tears were overflowing.

"So now that I'm here," She sniffled.

"Can you tell me where she is?" She faced me with so many tears flowing from her eyes. I wanted to give her an answer. I wanted to tell her that everything would go back to the way they were. But I couldn't. 

She turned away from me and wiped away her tears. She then laughed humorlessly. 

"I'm sorry," she sniffled. 

"Don't be," I told her. I wanted to take her somewhere special. A place where she could make happier memories. Thankfully, I know just the place.

"Come with me," I said as I held out my hand to her. 

She hesitated for a moment, then eventually held out her hand. I grabbed it and pulled her up from her seat and dragged her to the place I held close to my heart.

We took a ride from a conveniently incoming taxi and headed our destination.

"Asami, where are we going?" Korra asked for the second time since we got into the cab. We had arrived a few moments ago and we were now heading to my spot.

"Okay, come here," I said as I pulled Korra towards me and covered her eyes from behind.

She tensed for a moment before relaxing completely, letting me guide her.

We stopped and I took my hand off her eyes. Revealing the place I love the most in this world.

"Wow!" She exclaimed once she saw the amazing view. We were standing on a hilltop, overlooking our small town. The sun was setting, displaying a gorgeous scene of pastel colors, day and night colliding, painting the sky with a refreshing twilight. No matter how many times I see the sun rise or set in this spot, it's charm never fades. It never fails to surprise me. 

Korra looked back at me. "Wait, why did you bring me here?" She asked me, curiosity deeply rooted in her eyes.

I smiled at her and took her hands in mine. Subconsciously, I started rubbing circles on her hand with my thumb. Judging from how she started to relax, she didn't seem to mind. 

"From now on, I want you to make good memories here," I said. "I want you to laugh here, to cry here, to be yourself and not hide behind a mask. I want you to be happy." 

She looked at me with so much contentment and gratefulness. Her eyes, for so long had lost their sparkly touch. She had suffered so much, so quickly in her life, that her eyes were the only indication of how much pain she had. But now, that sparkle that I loved so much, was back. I smiled with joy.

She placed her head softly on my chest, sniffling silently, trying to hide her tears. 

"Thank you, Asami." Her voice muffled.

I placed my chin on top of her head. 

I don't know exactly how long we stood on that hill, but I treasured every moment of it. The way the cherry blossom tree's petals began to wither, soothed me. How the wind would occasionally sing, every time it rushed through its branches. How the bark was becoming older than it was before. 

But what I loved the most about this place, was the new memories it gave me. The memory of how Korra's heartbeat was in perfect rhythm and tune with mine, how her cherry scented brown hair glistened under the setting sun and how the warmth of her body wrapped me in a comfortable serenity.

It gave me new memories of the young girl I met 5 years ago. The shy young girl I saw sitting by herself on a swing set in a nearby playground. 

It was then I realized. I've loved her all along. 

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